Published: 02/24/2011 - Updated: 07/12/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The liver is very important to overall human health, it plays multiple roles in the body between which emphasize the cleansing of toxins, synthesizes plasma proteins, stores vitamins and glycogen, purifies toxic substances, harmful fats, etc., in the blood, transforming them into harmless substances.
Symptoms of a weak or diseased liver:
- Poor digestion, bloating (distention), abdominal or nausea especially after fatty meals
- Swollen abdomen or overweight
- Frequent constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, excessive gas, bad breath and / or spotted tongue
- Depression, fatigue, exhaustion, mood instability, poor concentration, etc.
- Fever, allergies (asthma, hives, rashes, etc.), frequent headaches, etc.
- Hypertension, fluid retention, hypoglycemia
For a healthy liver, adequate food is essential, no treatment for the liver will be 100% effective if you don’t combine it with a quality diet and foods that help the liver to be strong and perform its duties properly. Actually, it’s not important the amount of food consumed, but the kind of food you consume. If you eat foods that are not beneficial, the liver becomes fatty and weak affecting the overall health of the body.
Here we give a nutritional guidance with the food you should eat and those products that are appropriate for health and maintenance of your liver.
Food for liver health
Vegetables: they are a real medicine for the liver, as well as help keep it in optimal conditions, vitalize, debug and help carry out its functions efficiently. You can consume vegetables in the juices, freshly made salads and raw to retain all their properties. You have to wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly and, if you cook them, they should be steamed. It is advisable to use organic or ecological food to avoid overloading the functions of the liver with toxic or harmful substances. On the other hand, a basic rule is to eat fruit alone instead of combining with other foods. The best vegetables for the health of the liver are artichokes, beets, carrots and onions.
Fruits: are excellent for cleansing the liver and revitalize it, especially fruits rich in vitamin C, which are refreshing to the liver. Lemon is one of the best fruits to strengthen the liver, and fresh plum, nectarines and melons juices. Orange fruits are rich in folate and are an elixir for the liver, oranges, tangerines, papaya, etc., are highly recommended. Acid fruits like pineapple, plums, strawberries, etc., are also the best for the liver.
Brewer's yeast, spirulina algae and olive oil: (extra virgin cold-pressed) are supplements that help strengthen and heal the liver.
Whole grains: are rich in carbohydrates that really help the liver, so including them in your diet to replace refined grains.
Oily products: are rich in nutrients and very energetic. Nuts are very nutritious for the liver, fat friends, but they should be eaten fresh and raw. Avoid nuts that are outdated or too exposed to air.
Fish: is a good food for the liver.
Not advisable food for liver health:
Red meat, fried sausages: you need to avoid them to the maximum and, if you eat them, drink fresh vegetable juice or a glass of water with a squeezed lemon. Do not eat fried meat and sausages (full of additives and toxic substances), the meat should be cooked on the grill and with very little oil.
White Sugar: This product is very harmful to the body organs and systems in general; you should avoid it and substitute with honey or brown sugar. The liver converts the sugar into fat and bad cholesterol, and fat tissue and organ degeneration is usually stored in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, etc. Also avoid all artificial sweeteners and "light" sugar, because they are toxic to the liver, imbalance metabolism and cause hypoglycemia and fatigue. If you feel like something sweet, nothing better than fresh fruit and juice or salad.
Cow's milk and alcohol: alcohol dry the liver; it deteriorates and degenerates it, causing many diseases and imbalances.
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Herbs that strengthen the liver
Milk thistle, dandelion and Boldo you are the most popular herbs as liver protection and bile stimulators.
Diet to heal and strengthen the liver:
FASTING: The juice of a lemon with an infusion of milk thistle. Drink as hot as possible and don’t eat anything until you have spent half an hour.
BREAKFAST: Take orange juice with papaya and wait 20 minutes to digest all fruits. Then, take oatmeal with soy milk and bread, or vegetarian sandwich.
FOOD: Choose a cooked meal or fish soup (avoid those products that are not recommended) Accompany with a salad or fresh vegetable juice. Do not eat fruit or sweet drinks; remember that this combination produces alcohol and liver damage. You should drink plain water (a cup) or vegetable juice to accompany meals. Infusions should be taken 20 minutes after eating.
DINNER: apple salad with nuts and raisins (granola) or cup ofbrown ricewith steamed vegetables or tacos or vegetarian sandwich.
BETWEEN MEALS: eat fruit or salads, avoid junk, canned fruit in syrup, strong spices, fried foods, sweets and refined flour.
You should drink a half liter of pure water and half a liter of mineral water to clean the liver and keep you healthy.
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