Published: 12/24/2013 - Updated: 11/27/2016
Author: Nayeli Reyes6 Comments
A Christmas holiday dinner is not complete without a tasty dessert, and a pie or cake is a great way to end the Christmas dinner. As this date is just around the corner, you cannot miss these recipes which are particularly simple and delicious way to prepare desser for a happy holiday meal.
Orange Muffins
- 150g of Butter
- 150g of Sugar
- 3 Eggs
- 150g of Flour
- 1/4 tsp. of Baking Powder
- 50ml of Milk
- Zest of 2 oranges
- 5 tbsp. of Icing sugar
- 3 tbsp. of Orange juice
- Preheat oven to 180°C.
- Grease and flour muffin molds.
- Wash and disinfect the oranges, grate them and extract the juice from the fruit. Reserve.
- Sift the dry ingredients together.
- Cream the butter and sugar together until fluffy and slightly change in colour.
- Add the orange zest into the mix and integrate well.
- Add the eggs little by little to prevent the preparation from separating. Mix well.
- Add the dry ingredients to the mixture, alternating with milk.
- Pour into the previously greased muffin moulds.
- Bake for about 30 minutes or until you can insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.
- Combine the orange juice with icing sugar to form a thin paste.
- Remove the muffins from their molds and cover with glaze.
Pineapple Up-side-Down Cake
- 300g of Butter
- 180g of Sugar
- 3 Eggs
- 240ml of condensed milk
- 450g of Flour
- 1 tbsp. of Baking Powder
- 1 ½ cup of Pineapple juice
- 50g of brown sugar
- 5 Sliced pineapples in syrup
- 8 red cherries
- 1/4 tsp. of salt
- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- Grease and flour a pan and place a circle of wax paper in the bottom.
- Place the pineapple slices in syrup on the waxed paper and then put the cherries in the center of the slices. Sprinkle with brown sugar.
- Sift the salt, baking powder and flour together.
- Cream the butter until the mixture goes spongey and slightly changes color.
- Add the egg piece by piece and incorporate completely.
- Add the condensed milk and continue to mix for about 2-3 minutes until the mixture forms a homogeneous mass.
- Add the dry mixture, alternating with the pineapple juice. If the preparation has become too thick add a little more lemon juice.
- Pour the mixture into the mold.
- Bake at 180°C for about 30-40 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
- Cool and remove from the mold, flip and serve with the pineapple on the top.
Sweet date bread
- 100g of Pitted dates organic
- 165g of warm water
- 1 tbsp. of Vanilla extract
- 85g of Icing sugar
- 250g of Flour
- 1/4 tsp. of salt
- 10g of Baking soda
- 2 eggs
- 85g of chopped walnuts
- 50g of butter
- If the dates have stones, remove them and then cut the fruit into quarters.
- Put the dates in a bowl and add warm water to soften them.
- Let the preparation cool and add vanilla and sugar.
- Sift the dry ingredients into a volcano shape and add the water with vanilla and dates.
- Add the egg piece by piece, then the chopped walnuts.
- Add the melted butter.
- Place the dough in a greased and floured mold.
- Bake at 180°C for approximately 45 minutes and serve.
About the author
Good! Because this year my responsibility is to prepare the last dish in the evening, the dessert, and I was hoping to find something very delicious and still easy so a cake sounds like a very good option,
I have read all the recipes and all of them are quick and easy so they are perfect! I just have to choose one now?
The cakes and the breads are very consumed in this season, and most of the prople just consume the conventional one that stores sell, but the best is to prepare your own bread at home right? with the ingredient you like and always following the health guidelines
I am such a huge fan of the bread and now that I am gaining a little weight, I am thinking on preparing my own breads at home because in this way I can know what are the ingredients that I am using, and of course I can make it with healthier ingredients, like those that you explain here, so thank you very much
I love the orange pound cake! I am definitely considering for my next party’s dessert! Too bad I can’t prepare the pineapple one (I’m allergic to this fruit), but it looks good too. I am really glad to find that you don’t have to give up on sweet foods, and that there always are some options for those who have a sweet tooth!
I have never liked fruit cakes. They always remind me of that stale, leftover bread that someone brought to the christmas party, and no one ever touches it. It’s always the last thing left behind and everyone always wonders who brought it. These recipes do sound quite nice though, maybe I’ll try one!
These recipes sound great, but unfortunately most people cannot be bothered making their own breads and cakes, which is such a shame because there really is no better smell than that of freshly baked bread or cake!
The orange muffins would be even better with some little chocolate chips or maybe some cinnamon for a more christmassy spice feel! Yum!