Published: 01/04/2007 - Updated: 06/10/2017
Sustainable Living Foundation was formed in 2003 and aims to promote, engage, encourage and intervene in social initiatives on the environment, education, consumption, development, and sustainability in general (trying to develop social without undermining the environmental quality of the planet), to enhance and develop sustainable lifestyles in society.
This new understanding of environmental protection is part of social dimension and is from there from where you start walking. Its priority is to get through this and other vehicles for easy accessibility to contain environmental citizens to respond to their concerns, and to advance sustainable development in them.
This website is the product of the knowledge acquired over many years by professionals who usually conduct their work in the enterprise communication and APM, Animation and Development Environment.
FVS, Sustainable Living Foundation to develop these areas of activity has fixed a person template, a volunteer and two trainees through the commitments with various universities in Madrid and a broad network of partner. Besides, equipment has sufficient information and constant renewal to face the challenges of production to be subjected every day. The usual sponsors of FVS, Sustainable Living Foundation are in the private sector. FVS, Sustainable Living Foundation in their commitment to environmental improvement is a member of the World United Nations, which is an initiative of the ethical for those entities from all countries hosting an integral part of their strategy and operations of ten principles of conduct and action on Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Fight against Corruption.
Its purpose is to promote the creation of a global corporate citizenship, allowing interests and processes of business, with the values and demands of civil society, as well as projects of the UN, International Organizations Sector unions and NGOs.
FVS Foundation for Sustainable Living uses the local activity APM, Animation yPromoción Middle is in Madrid.
About the author
I am SO excited to hear about this!! This motivates me so much in learning and discovering more ways to live, and I’m super excited to get started in my garden for next year! I’m so glad that organizations like this are around, because all change begins with the seed of education. These are the type of people that change the world.