Published: 12/16/2005 - Updated: 04/20/2019
Our daily habits are contributing to the degradation of nature. The society we live in promotes consumerism and waste, we are the generation of "use and throw", but our planet is a closed system and does not go away in the garbage container, everything goes to one place: the air over land or water. The government should urgently promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of most household and industrial waste, but do not forget, you're the first step of the process and should help to minimize your waste separating the components of the litter for properly reused or recycled.
"Natural resources are not infinite and inexhaustible, and the limits of growth, both economic and demographic, are not far. We should reflect on our current way of life and consumption."
We, each of us, consume some products with high environmental impact, persuaded by the current model of production and distribution, we propose the following changes in purchasing habits and food, are simple but important to preserve our health and our environment.
- Buy returnable glass bottles
- Bring own basket and bags to buy
- Do not buy foods packaged in trays of white cork
- Reduce the use of aluminum
- Choose refrigerators without harmful gases
- Reduce battery consumption
- Eat fresh and natural foods, local producers and with minimal packaging
- Get interested in biological plant products
- Use recycled paper
- Consume green cleaning products
- Watch advertising critically
Buy returnable glass bottles
They prevailed 15 years ago and today only exist in bars and small shops. Is this progress or regression? The recycling of glass just makes the product, saving energy and generates no waste. Demand in your establishment! Do not let you impose reusable packaging! Currently we only recycle about 30% of glass waste. Many containers of mineral water are still PVC (polyvinyl chloride). There are many contaminants in the manufacture and combustion producing hydrochloric acid and dioxins (highly toxic). You know that only 4% of recycled plastic used
Bring own basket and bags to buy
It is what we always did, but now we've become so comfortable … Request that your establishment don’t distribute plastic bags high in environmental cost. Because of our unconsciousness, countless birds and marine animals die, swallowing or getting caught up in plastic.
Do not buy foods packaged in trays of white cork
This material is rarely recycled. Return such packages to the seller. Opt for buying traditional weight with minimal packaging.
Reduce the use of aluminum
Its production requires considerable energy and bauxite, the extraction contributes to the destruction of the Amazon. Avoid canned beverages, the packaging is worth more content and just recovering.The Tetra Brik-bearing aluminum, plastic and cardboard have very low recycling and recovery. Aerosols, aluminum and tin, are highly problematic as it becomes a waste, you can replace them with refillable sprayers, applicators ball, bar, etc.
Choose refrigerators without harmful gases
CFC gases used in refrigeration, foam or solid aerosols, are destroying the ozone layer that protects us from ultraviolet rays. HFCs, now used in refrigeration, do not destroy ozone, but they contribute to the greenhouse effect about 3200 times more than CO2 over a period of 20 years. Spain already sold refrigerators without these gases. Ultraviolet radiation increases skin cancers and cataracts, and decreases crops and fisheries. Due to the greenhouse effect the earth's temperature will rise about 3 º C, causing, according to latitude or severe desertification or flooding in large areas.
Reduce battery consumption
The electrical energy produced is 450 times more expensive than the network and are a major source of pollution for their content in lead, cadmium, Mercury or lithium. Separation required by their environmental toxicity, especially the battery-button. You can use rechargeable batteries.
Eat fresh and natural foods, local producers and with minimal packaging
Retrieve the "Mediterranean diet", with a predominance of grains and vegetables and reduce consumption meat and packaged foods. Many manufactured foods have deficiencies in essential nutrients and trace elements. The investment of these dietary habits and toxic substances such as pesticides, hormones, etc., has increased the incidence of myocardial infarction and cancer in the population. Paradoxically, these adverse changes are presented as "better quality of life" The overconsumption of calories, not only affects our health but also in the exploitation of natural resources.
Get interested in biological plant products
Those are grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. They are more healthy, tasty and rich in nutritional value. Consumption will decrease pollution by nitrates and pesticides in groundwater and promote a new vision of agriculture
Use recycled paper
In folios, notebooks as toilet paper. Demand in your business, stationery and photocopying. Consuming less paper will help conserve the forests, save water and energy and avoid sources of pollution (for example the chlorine used in the laundering of the conventional).
Consume green cleaning products
Do not try "clean homes, dirty planet." Reduce the use of bleach. You can opt for non-ionic detergent without surfactants, phosphates, bleaching agents, enzymes or polycarboxylates; biodegrade in less than a week, not as conventional. A weak solution of vinegar is useful for ceramics, glass and bathroom. Lemon juice rinse metals like copper or bronze.
Watch advertising critically
You know what an average Spanish family pays for the advertising more than 60,000 pesetas a year? The advertising is often misleading about the environmental benefits of certain products or packaging. It is better to invest in clean production than in dubious image campaigns.
With the use of disposable containers and packaging, we pay three bills, the cost added to the product, the cost of recycling, incineration or landfill, and worse, the environmental cost: pollution and waste accumulation for future generations.
Source: Vida Sana Association
About the author
Very good recommendations to help the planet from our houses, this is of major importance in the life of any person, we should understand that this time it really depends on ourselves and our capacity to change our habits for good of the humanity, thanks for sharing those tips, I will follow them for sure
Excellent, excellent, excellent! very great recommendations indeed, and yes, this needs to be taught in school and workplaces all around the world. Our population is growing every day, as more children are born, and the geriatric population lives longer and longer. Resources ARE limited, and they can only reproduce at a certain rate. Responsible consumption is a necessary step to take if you are to consider yourself a true adult.