Published: 03/18/2010 - Updated: 06/09/2017
Author: Jorgelina Reyente2 Comments
The food industry is constantly holding events that help enrich and improve each day. So next June will be another edition of the Conference ALIMENTS & SANTÉ (Food and Health) in France.
On June 16th and 17th 2010, the French port city La Rochelle situated on the Atlantic coast between Nantes and Bordeaux, will host the 8th edition of the Matchday. This meeting will bring together European business professionals in the food industry under the topic "Healthy nutrition is given an appointment with sustainable food."
To promote the development of innovative projects and technical-scientific knowledge of French and European firms, the Days if Aliments & Santé will be structured in different areas.
During these days, several activities will be carried out, including:
- Visit the booths of exhibitors and over 100 French and international clusters, who took the opportunity to present their latest products: ingredients, new technologies, services and knowledge.
- Professionals may participate in round tables and conferences, trend and innovation spaces.
- Participate in workshops organized in the form of breakfast debate, where an expert will respond to the doubts of some thirty pre-registered participants.
Thus, it is estimated that around fifty international experts, scientists, industrialists and journalists in the press addressed the major issues currently at the round tables and conferences.
Among the issues to be addressed include: nutritional and functional ingredients, nutritional procedures progress, technological innovation, nutritional "farm to fork" food supplements, behavior regulation and nutrition communication.
The 2010 edition of Aliments & Santé spaces will also feature:
"Carré des Décideurs" (space management) that will provide the leadership, responsibility and foreign investors buying the place for commercial exchange between professionals.
"Tendances et produits Innovations (Trends and Innovative Products) where special emphasis will be on innovations related to health food, from anywhere in the world.
In the last edition in 2008, Aliments & Santé welcomed 800 participants (about 30% more than the 2006) of 17 different nationalities. 4500 meetings were organized, representing an average of 13 professional interviews. Three months after the event, had established 550 projects of cooperation, of which 33% will materialize.
About CRITT Agrifood Poitou-Charentes
The Regional Center of Innovation and Technology Transfer (CRITT) Poitou-Charentes Agrifood handles accompany and promote French wine businesses in the region implanted in their R & D. Currently has 190 member industry and is involved in six areas of activity: Nutrition-Health, Innovative products, Food Quality and Safety, Environment, New Technologies and Processes, Food and Health.
The critter was born 20 years ago, the initiative of enterprises and the CRC (Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry), thanks to government support and the Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes.
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About the author
Amazing initiative to improve the life of the people in general and in a place in specific, more things like this one should be performed in different places at all the times and for all the public, including kids that would be the future builders of this society.
I love going to seminars like this, they always get me so pumped up to continue doing the things I do every day! They fill me with a sense of accomplishment, like fighting against the stream of the “status quo” really is the right choice, and ti really is doing good in the world, and I leave with a greater sense of community, realizing all the other people out there that share the same mindset.