Published: 06/02/2007 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Plant plankton is considered a kind of "marine plant", with no stem, leaves and seeds. The seaweeds are classified within a group of primitive plants, with pigments that are classified as blue, green, yellow, red or brown. They live and grow in freshwater, brackish or salt, can be microscopic in size or big, more than 50 meters. They are a rich source of minerals as calcium, iron, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, magnesium and many others, but above all. They are one of the foods that contain plenty of iodine. They are rich in chlorophyll, carbohydrates and proteins, and several of the major vitamins.
There are many varieties of them, spirulina, nori, agar, wakame, and, among others, the kelp, an algae that grows on the surface of salt water and has some long branches with which adheres to rocks and other surfaces. This is one of the algae with the highest iodine content. Its color is dark brown. Each alga has unique characteristics depending on the area and the place where they are, their nutritional characteristics vary according to water, climate, and its ecosystem in general, but all are rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins, algae contain a good contribution vitamin C, E and many B-complex
Functions of algae
Serve to normalize the functioning of organs and balancing and energizing the body's glands, especially thyroid. They are extremely useful for treating cases of obesity and problems in blood and heart. In the reproductive organs, they exert a healing effect on the arteries, a purifying regenerating effect, and it will return its elasticity. The brain tissue is benefited by the algae that contain magnesium, as is useful to energize and vitalize the sensory nerves. Algae also have effects on the skin helps that this does not become flaccid or with wrinkles and having a smooth and healthy skin, and for this, the algae can be used also in special masks.
Forms of consumption
Technology of food industry increasingly takes advantage of algae, since most, besides being edible and highly nutritious, are medicinal. It is an extremely potent protein food, is so rich with little more than enough, because the body treats in small quantities. If you are going to eat dust in, you must not exceed a teaspoon and a half, and when consumed with some juice, water or liquid, you get the fluid lost in dehydration. If you use the following smoothie, you'll have a full rich and nutritious food for your body. You can also find it now, especially in Chinese restaurants, where food algae is being increasingly used. The so delicious sushi, seaweed soup, oriental salad, etc. are just some examples of what can be done with this algae purchased at in shops or stores. There are, however, to check if the algae that are food (especially sushi) do not have a strong or unpleasant smell. This would indicate if the alga is not in good condition or that the food has not been prepared with the necessary hygiene or poor-quality products. Agar, on the other hand, is used to replace animal grenetina and jellies are made with fruit and vegetables without the harmful and mischievous animal fat. We also find algae in the use of puddings, jellies, sauces and some desserts and sweets.
Revitalizing seaweed and vegetables tonic
This time we recommend a drink excellent for skin, eyesight, hair and to energize all the functions of your body. I recommend that when you consume vegetable juices or smoothies, do not mix with any fruit, and that you sweeten the less possible. Fruits are sweet foods that, to assimilate in the most optimal way, require that the stomach is not busy with other foods. The fruits are consumed alone, some twenty or thirty minutes before consuming food. You can, however, eat your vegetables at the tonic in your lunch or dinner, accompanied with a sandwich of panela cheese with a little olive oil and, if you like, some olives, lettuce, tomato. This food seemed slight, but it is especially ideal for dinner time.
- ¼ carrot juice
- a sprig of parsley’
- a sprig of celery (can be substituted for the cucumber) •
- a little spinach
- ¼ teaspoon of ground marine algae
- a little honey or brown sugar
Mix all in blender and drink. Sweeten with a little honey or brown sugar to taste. As we suggested in previous articles, it is important that you do not strain juices and drink as slowly as possible, so that you chew well all ingredients and to prepare the stomach to absorb successfully the smoothie.
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALMacrobiotic: Ying and Yang foods and other Basics
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