Published: 04/12/2012 - Updated: 10/08/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Are you a passive, active or ex-smoker? Do you have problems with constipation, swollen belly or obesity? Does your skin get sick often? Then this diet may be the best for you. The plums are fruits with powerful nutritional and medicinal properties; they are particularly great to heal intestines, where is over 90% of our health. If the intestines are healthy, the body will have a better absorption of nutrients and immune system defenses will be in very good condition, plus the body is strong and rejuvenated.
How do I know when I need a cleansing diet?
You often do not notice it, but over time body saves countless toxins and waste in the intestines, which causes the intestinal lining starts to clog and build up a layer of waste that prevent proper disposal of waste products and assimilation of nutrients.
If we don’t take time to clean the intestines and our body will have toxemia, which is a severe poisoning of the body caused by the accumulation of chemicals (dyes, additives, irritants, preservatives , hormones, etc.), fats, harmful substances from waste, etc.., which produces symptoms and conditions including:
- Skin rashes
- Fever
- Infections of all kinds
- Propensity to flu, colds, cough, phlegm abundant, and more
- Headaches
- Inflammation of the stomach, gas, constipation, and indigestion.
- Unhealthy skin (dermatitis, problems with pimples, blackheads, premature wrinkles, skin fades, etc.)
- Joint and circulation problems
- Diverticula, cysts, etc.
The diet of the plum is especially recommended for people who
- Have been smokers or smoke (or people who are often near smokers), as they accumulate large amount of hazardous substances that should be discarded to avoid lung cancer.
- People with weight problems, flatulence, slow digestion, etc.
- People with skin problems.
Properties of plums
Plums have properties well suited to heal the intestines and keep them healthy, plus they are rich in antioxidants and help to regenerate and rejuvenate organs and skin.
Among its top properties, plums are soft laxatives and powerful cleansers. In addition, inhibit the production of cholesterol, help weight loss, fold down the production of carcinogens, block cell mutations, favor the activity of enzymes, are rich in antioxidants and prevent the formation of dangerous blood clots.
The diet
The initial diet is to get a full day eating pure plum, whether red or black. You can bite it or make a juice, but the rule is that they must be fresh and don’t add sugar, salt or anything. That's all you should eat all day, and take two liters of water during the day.
To start the diet, you should pick a day and start fasting with a glass of warm water and two tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin.
If you want to lose weight or cure any disease more severe or advanced, such as arthritis, cancer, tumors, cysts, fibroids, etc., You can make the diet for two days straight, starting always with a glass of warm water and two tablespoons of oil extra virgin olive.
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Start the day in the same way you started the initial diet, with a glass of warm water, this time, just take one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
Breakfast will consist of eating prunes and a glass of soy milkor oatmeal, so your body gets used to solid foods. If it’s not plum season, you can breakfast with papaya and grapes. You must not eat right away, let your body absorb and be nourished with the properties of the fruit.
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You can start introducing foods like bread, steamed vegetables, whole grains and vegetable milks.
Foods you should avoid in your diet are sugar and refined flour, all fried foods, junk and cow's milk. These products are terrible for intestinal health, including light milk. Drink more vegetable milk such as soy, almond, rice, etc., which are very noble in a matter of assimilation and does not stick in the body as cow's milk.
Choose a light menu the first day, like steamed vegetables, brown rice, soups or stews. Always avoid sweet drinks at meals, it is best to accompany them with a warm glass of pure water.
Take a prune juice or eat some. You can vary the decision of the juice, replacing from time to time by carrot juice, aloe, alfalfa, etc.
Choose your menu but always try to dinner an hour before sleep.
Eat a raw apple or a couple of plums.
If you accompany your diet with a daily exercise routine you will mobilize toxic waste even faster.
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