Published: 08/28/2012 - Updated: 07/03/2016
Author: S.M. Aiquipa
Asthma is a disease that affects the airways, preventing air enters the body normal and continually into our lungs. Currently there are between 100 and 150 million people worldwide with this problem, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Although doctors haven’t found the exact reasons why asthma is caused in some people and in others not, there are some approaches that accuse genetic and environmental factors as responsible.
People who are prone
In that sense they are more likely to suffer from asthma people who have an asthmatic in his family, especially if your father or mother.
If someone is allergic, respiratory infections will present since childhood. In cases where the first months of life the baby have been exposed to irritants like smoke, when the immune system is newly developed produce a life with this problems.
Also when they inhale ambient external stimuli substances as pollen, others are:
- Hair and pet hair
- Dust
- Climate change
- Chemicals in food
- Humid climates
- Very low temperatures
Therefore, it is preferable if you have a kid at home, or a newborn baby avoid having to live with a pet because its hair can directly affect your kid’s airways. In any case, they can’t be both in the same environment. Likewise you should try not to smoke in front of your children, exposing them to smoke, if you do, do not stay at home.
Asthma results in a number of symptoms which are easy to recognize. You must be careful and see a specialist if you identify one of them on you or another family member.
Generally you have a cough, phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing, anxiety, problems for exercise and tachycardia.
If you have asthma, you should know that this disease can be fought today not only through traditional medicine, but there are other alternative complementary medicines that are increasingly, making more efforts to combat and prevent it, like homeopathy, naturism and reflexology.
You can see one of these specialists and test which treatment is better to your body. It is advisable to never leave aside the directions of your doctor; traditional medicine can go together with alternative medicine.
From the symptoms that we have numbered some are more serious than others. You must take care and don’t expect aggravation to treat asthma, because it can be deadly.
Remember that with proper treatment, most people have no symptoms, day or night, and if they do, the symptoms are few and controlled.
Natural Treatment
In nature, we find many foods that will help us to healing and treating asthma. For example milk, spinach and amaranth because they contain high levels of calcium that is central part of the diet of an asthmatic. For breakfast try to have a cup of boiled milk with a tablespoon of turmeric.
As lemon is good for coughs and flu, also works for asthma patients. In a hot cup mix one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of honeyand one teaspoon of ginger juice. Take this daily to help cure asthma.
Another infused tea with garlic and honey. Mix garlic juice with honey. You can choose to take this or the previous infusion daily, or if you prefer, rotate between them.
Garlic and onions
Another way to combat asthma spasms is with onion and garlic. Slice an onion and repeat the action with about 15 cloves of garlic, place in a glass bowl and cover with a cup of virgin honey, then we leave them at least 12 hours. Consume this mixture, an average of four tablespoons daily.
You can have massages in the chest area with a mixture of two drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, pine, rosemary and sunflower oil.
Fresh mint infusion
This infusion is made with “yerbabuena” and “Veronica”, just before sleep take a tea made from herbs and sleep peacefully.
Did you know that eating apples is a good way to avoid asthma? You should eat an apple before bed and you can relieve your symptoms or you can also consume infusion. Place a few slices of apple in water to a boil, let cool, strain and drink a cup slowly.
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