Published: 01/11/2012 - Updated: 10/27/2018
Author: Nayeli Reyes2 Comments
A large amount of toxins, chemicals, bad fats, bile, hormones and more accumulate in the blood, intestines and other organs with time, which severely affect the body if stay there. It is necessary to give the body a chance to eliminate those poisonous elements in a natural way that only deteriorate it, causing the blood to acidify and generating a long list of conditions of all kinds.
The fruit is definitely the food with greater benefits for the body, if it ever has a bad reputation is because its consumption or right combination is bad: Fruits must be eaten on an empty stomach, since when they are combined with other foods will ferment quickly due to the fructose (sugar) in them, and cause indigestion, heartburn, accumulation of toxins, and more.
Benefits and depurative properties of fruits
Among the many qualities of the fruit we found that treatment plants are excellent, especially those mentioned here:
- Citrus: orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, lime
- Strawberries and berries
- Pineapple
- Grapes
Here are some recipes and ways to consume these fruits to help purify your body.
GENERAL NOTE: to help your body to a conscious and effective debugging, don’t consume refined sugar or sweeten with light, which are bad for health and metabolism. Besides making juices, drink 2 liters of pure water a day to avoid soft drinks, sodas, canned juices and sugary drinks.
Strawberry Shake
Strawberry is a great purifier of the body, plus it contains many antioxidants to help the body regenerate and rejuvenate.
You need
- A glass and a half of pure water
- One cup of strawberries
- Honey bee
- One tablespoon of ground flaxseed
Mix ingredients in blender and drink without strain, daily fasting for fifteen days. Avoid eating anything until an hour after.
Citrus Juice
Citrus are the top in the list of the best debuggers of the body, with lots of vitamin C, in addition to cleaning the liver and kidneys, they cleanse the lungs of mucus, toxins and unnecessary substances, and clear the intestines of toxic matter.
You need
- 1 ½ cup of fresh orange juice
- Juice of one lemon squeezed
- Chia seeds, a spoonful
- Add the orange juice freshly squeezed with lemon juice and chia.
- Sip while fasting, tasting the juice. Do not eat anything else before it passes an hour.
NOTE: If you feel your stomach "burns you" or feel effects like diarrhea or belly pain is that the juice is cleaning. The juice makes its effect.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry helps cleanse your body to repair damaged tissue. It is ideal for strengthening the immune system and rejuvenates skin and organs.
You need
- One cup of fresh cranberries
- A glass of water
- Juice of one lemon
- A pinch of honey
Blend ingredients in blender and sip slowly, don’t strain, crew cranberry bits which taste great. Take it as other juices, fasting and avoid eating just before the half-hour pass.
Pineapple and Strawberry Salad
Pineapple is one of the best fruits to improve blood, it helps alkalize the blood and repair diseased organs, heals body and many diseases. Along with the strawberry, the healing effects of both fruits are enhanced. A two day diet based on these two fruits, drinking only water, rebuilds and helps heal the body in a surprising way.
You need
- A piece of pineapple
- One cup of strawberries
- An orange into wedges
- Melasse of Rice
- Chia or flax, a spoonful
- A few drops of lemon
Put the fruit in a bowl and add the molasses over. Sprinkle flaxseed and chia and eat slowly chewing the fruit.
Grape Cocktail
The grape is a fruit with antioxidants, and cleansing and rejuvenating properties.
You need
- One cup of grapes with seeds
- An orange in wedges
- Fresh Blueberries
- Melasse of grains
Mix all fruit in a cup and add some molasses cereal. Eat as breakfast only for 15 days along with a liter of water in the morning and feel how your body cleans and repairs.
About the author
Well, it?s important to know that we need a debugging very often to avoid getting illness and conditions. Fruits and natural foods are more effective than any chemical or medicine, so try to add them in your menu daily and while you are doing a debugging diet.
Might I just say that I am SO glad that intestinal parasites are not really a concern for most first world countries. I am so thankful that I have never had to “debug” myself, or any family members, although I do know that where I live giardia is a concern when drinking from mountain streams.