Published: 08/16/2009 - Updated: 10/20/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Performing great things in life has nothing to do with walking with stress, running to and fro, without having time to sit down to eat, is not about to end exhausted with a headache every day, cursing work and desperate, it has to do with not taking a sleeping pill because both are problems in the head that do not leave you reconcile a peaceful, deep and restful sleep.
Do not confuse
Triumph in life does not mean that you must achieve to be stressed out or angry over time and always on top, is not about sacrificing long working hours in exchange for peace and quiet moments. No mistake, because you might be thinking that all this is to do something very important and the only things truly valuable are earning well, with too much effort and great sacrifice. But nothing more wrong, great things have little to do with this, and if you continue with this lifestyle, you may manage to survive while earning enough, but you might not get everything you really want and you will never feel really accomplished, and also won’t enjoy your life because you will be entirely a slave to the idea that "great things are achieved like this".
The realization of something great is not only to move, but to know how to move, learn to think calmly and design a plan, taking time to meditate, reflect, consider and think about things in detail.
You know that most people in this life and wit have always been able to stop their desire to move, driven by their unresolved things, and have managed to take quiet moments to just think.
In an advertising agency of the most famous of the world, the general director arrived in the morning, breakfasted well, and spent about three hours, not for sleeping, but simply to think and design. Great writers, thinkers, philosophers, painters and others have always taken special time to think and design their work. The moments of stillness, intended simply to think, that are ingredients in the life of the greats things.
Designing a great life certainly requires this essential ingredient, you need to think, and give you time to plan what you want, considering all these obstacles and constraints that could be valued and the most effective way to how to move through them. Certainly not everything in life should be planned, but if one really wants to achieve something of their aspirations that is more sincere and profound, it is more convenient to make a plan, think and meditate, to move with a strategy and take an effective way all the time you have.
One of the main reasons that make great dreams do not come to fruition, is that the people do not like to think as it is easier to pretend that someone comes and we settle the things that guide us, give us your advice or ideas, money, support, and others so that we can then follow. Certainly there are those who have more ability to think to move to the ideas, while some people are more agile to put ideas into practice. However, if we really want to make a great project in life, we must become thinkers and actors both of our ideas. If we become not two, then it is likely that at the end of the day we will have a long list of pretexts by which we cannot do what we want. One thing is an obstacle, something very different pretexts.
However, to think we need some knowledge and some attitude, because if we are going to lock it and think of ways to carry out our plan, but with a small mind, then even if we try to not get ideas and solutions to create truly effective and fall into the same conclusions, i.e. the same results.
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To think great we should start by allowing us to consider all the proposals of our minds that we do not rule out any "prima facie" to assess all possible ways but these seem to us absurd, not to limit the mind but to wander and leave a while.
Many times in our mind there are great solutions out quickly, and we have saved much time and effort if we had valued a little more and we had the courage to implement them. Perhaps, for example, discarding the idea of hiring someone to help us because the mind immediately ditches the proposal with limited thinking "it cannot be as I have no money." But if you dig a little more on the idea and if we become a little risky, the foundation stone of the building could be achieved with this idea.
Daring is another important factor in the matter of making great things. It is pointless to think and enclosing grandiose ideas if we do not dare to them. Many times we do not dare to do what we feel because we risk something, whether a thing or a good relationship, and although "we turn the focus" we still are acting under the same thought. Certainly taking some risks can be worth, however, consider that living without a personal plan can make life into a very flat and mechanical, to live without taking the time to think if we really enjoy what we do, can create a destination without charm or love. In the end, thinking was given not only to survive but to do what really makes us feel admired.
About the author
Beautiful words, thanks a lot for this, I was upset because I have lost my way in this planet, I do not know what to do with my life and I stop enjoying things like working or caring for my family, I now that this article is not going to fix my life but I needed some encouragement to change the path of where I am heading
I think I would actualy have to somewhat disagree with this article, although I do think you are right in stating that we need to stop being so rushed and hurried. Anxiety is a terrible inhibitor. But we also need to FEEL our lives more. Feel our souls.