Published: 10/21/2009 - Updated: 11/27/2016
Author: Jorgelina Reyente2 Comments
During this day, November 21, the XIII edition of the Andalusian Congress of Naturopathy "Diego Prieto Memorial" will be held at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions of Torremolinos, Malaga.
The event was first held in Seville, and from there today became the oldest naturopathic event and prestige in Spain. For the professionals, users, businessmen, students, training centers, herbalists, Naturopathy Andalusian Congress has become the leading event in the sector of Natural Health Methods in Andalucia. This event takes place once a year and each time, aims to provide a space to promote the exchange of experiences and to showcase the most innovative products and services.
2009 Edition
This edition aims to continue to publicize the process of integration of naturopathy as more health, within the portfolio of benefits of SAS, as the demand for these services of Naturopathy, which are running on private level in Andalusia since 1985, is increasing. Thus, in the process of integration into the Andalusian public health is expected to have the support of government, unions and political parties to accept this concerted integration plan that would benefit the Andalusian society as a whole, impacting on improved quality of life.
The Congress will analyze the development of the naturopathic profession in Andalusia and their impact on the health sector and, of course, in Andalusian society.
The central issues to be addressed by Congress has to do with the evolution of supply of services of Naturopathy and its implementation in the Andalusian society, the relations with the administration, and above all the professionalism and quality of care, which is what distinguishes the Chartered near the southwest.
Moreover, prominent speakers will present different methods on Natural Health ( "natural therapies") that comprise professional Naturopathic practice assessing its scientific and philosophical.
The basic objectives of establishing the organization of this Congress, open to all type of audience, are:
- Discuss the changes that are occurring in the design of health and increased health care through natural health methods.
- To publicize the roles of practitioners of naturopathy.
- Explain the different techniques available to naturopathy.
- Natural Methods Disclose Health as a basic element of self care and self-management of health.
- Exposing the cultural and social importance of the use of natural methods of health, not only for the health of the individual but also for the environment.
- Explain some natural health methods and their practical application.
- That the public in general knows that the professional who applies the methods of Natural Health is the Naturopath.
Contents of the day
And these goals we intend to develop around the following contents:
- Contents of a professional nature, with the goal of exposing the different methods
- Natural and Health Procedures, for which there are three conferences given by prominent professionals Naturopaths experts in each subject.
- Roundtable discussion or forum where issues will be discussed reality of the naturopathic profession in Andalusia, where they will intervene members near the southwest Board, union representatives and employers, political representatives of different parties health representative in Andalusia and representatives of consumer associations in Andalusia.
- Playful expression, it will feature a music group expose on the music and its relationship to health.
- Exhibition and tasting of organic food products in Andalusia.
- Martial arts exhibition in its health aspect.
- Awards and Mentions near the southwest Andalusia recognizing and publicizing the services of Naturopathy.
9 to 10 pm: reception and the presentation of credentials and material support to Congress.
10am: Welcome by the Chair near the southwest Andalusia, then take the representative of the City or of the health authorities who made the opening of Congress.
10.30am: First Conference, divided into two parts, one exhibition and one open to public inquiries.
11.30hs: the second Professional Conference
12. 30 to 13 hours: the amount of time to visit exhibitors sponsors.
13 to 14.30 pm: Round Table or the Discussion Forum.
17 hs: Third Conference of commence professional
18 hs: Awards and Mentions
18.30hs: recreational sports exhibition begins
19.30hs: music recital begins
20.30hs: Closing of Congress.
More information on www.palacio-congresos.com
Naturopathic College near the southwest Andalusia Organization
About the author
It cost me to realize that there are many things I?m losing because I live in the city, like congresses and more event which help the environment by giving free information to producers and consumer, I would love to visit a place like this one, and if I like it I would stay there and live naturally!
I think with all the new documentaries coming out about health and the medical “industry”, there’s a lot of awareness being raised regarding alternative health treatments. I too have done a lot of research on herbal healing, and I have educated myself enough to cure quite a series of different infections with herbs. Naturopathy is fascinating.