Published: 05/27/2011 - Updated: 11/05/2017
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The intestine is one of the essential parts of health. If the bowel does not function properly or is weak and full of toxins, you can begin to have a set of conditions and diseases of all kinds. Caring for our intestine is essential for the body's cells to perform their functions from the proper absorption of nutrients that food gives us.
Bowel function
- Absorption of nutrients: the process of absorption of the food we eat basically happens in the walls of the small intestine, which absorb much water, vitamins, sugars, minerals, etc. as well as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. All these nutrients allow the body to stay healthy and alive.
- Waste disposal: the intestine is responsible to evacuate all waste from the body.
- The intestinal flora: helps the absorption of nutrients forming a complete ecosystem that is self-regulating and maintains balance. The intestinal flora inhibits growth of pathogenic microorganisms, enhances the activity of the immune system, helps the production of digestive enzymes and inhibits virus.
How to improve intestinal health
Intestinal abdominal exercise: you should have good muscle structure to support the abdomen and keep the bowels healthy and in place. Also, keeping strong intestines promotes good transit of toxins, proper drainage, prevents constipation and prevent that food sticks in the intestinal walls, forming toxic layers that do not allow proper absorption of nutrients. These exercises help to stimulate peristaltic action and raise the ascending colon.
- Jog slowly for 10 minutes daily. Jogging activates circulation of the body and helps the bowels to become stronger.
- When you wake up, before any food, breathe deeply and, without removing the air, give flicks above the belly.
- While sitting in a chair with back straight, contract the abdomen as much as possible and then relax.
- During the day, you need to keep good posture, back straight and abdomen contracted.
Diet: It is essential for our intestines to function properly. The diet should be varied and of excellent quality. The best foods for the intestine are undoubtedly fresh fruits and vegetables, high fiber vegetable diets. You have to consume daily fresh salads and juices varied or either fruits or vegetables (avoid mixing fruits and vegetables). It is important to consider the right combination of foods to avoid mixing all kinds of sugar and other foods, especially if they are cooked.
Nutrients that must be in your daily diet are:
Beta-carotene, vitamin C and A, which are powerful antioxidants essential for the formation of cell membranes. When there is lack of these nutrients, there is a risk that the intestinal mucosa becomes weak and fragile. It is necessary to consume these vitamins in raw foods such as alfalfa, broccoli, carrots, celery, etc. or fruit juices such as orange, grapefruit, lemon, papaya, apple, etc. When you eat these foods raw, they provide the body a lot of enzymes which aid digestion of food.
Vegetable oils, whole grains and nuts, all rich in vitamin E, omega 3 and omega 6. Vitamin E is also a potent antioxidant that prevents oxidation and protects cell membranes. Omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 will provide flexibility and adaptability to the intestinal cell membranes. Especially omega-3 fatty acids are very effective in the intestines, producing prostaglandins that control inflammation.
Pro-biotics: fermented dairy products like yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, fermented milk drinks, etc. contain healthy bacteria to keep in excellent condition the intestinal flora. These products are especially recommended for people who drink too much medicine, which severely damages the intestines. Pro-biotics help to regenerate and restore the intestinal flora.
Natural laxatives products: papaya, orange, lemon, garlic, flaxseed, apple, pear, cucumber, mango, cactus, aloe juice, chlorophyll, etc., are the leading products for maintain intestinal health in perfect condition.
Grains: favor the balance of intestinal flora significantly improving the intestinal transit. You need to consume approximately thirty grams of this fiber a day.
Pure water: drinking pure water is something that you must do in you diet. The water gives an internal bath for the body, helping to flush toxins and waste and helping the bowel to evacuate quickly to prevent fermentation and intestinal putrefaction. You should drink two liters of pure water and a two glasses of fresh juice per day. An excellent choice to heal the intestines is to add one teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll and drink immediately after breakfast.
Intestinal hyper-permeability
When the intestinal walls become inflamed, it is being attacked by harmful substances, which are due to excessive intestinal putrefaction, or when the diet is poor in protective substances for the intestine.
Prevent intestinal putrefaction and bloating
If you feel your belly very swollen, this may be because there is an excess of toxic substances in the intestine and/or you are not digesting well. In this case, it is necessary to perform a bowel cleansing diet, which is recommended every two months.
Cleansing Diet for Bowel
If you tend to get sick, you're overweight, high cholesterol, constipation, sickly skin, fatigue, excessive mucus or phlegm, pains, allergies, etc., you may have a poor bowel function.
In these cases, it is necessary to make a two-day cleansing diet where you consume only fresh fruit such as papaya, apple, etc. all day, drinking two liters of pure water. While fasting, you should drink a glass of green tea with the juice of a squeezed lemon. After this little diet, you will undertake an awareness of food, ensuring the aforementioned foods and avoiding those mentioned below:
- Try to avoid to the consumption of red meats, fried foods, meats, milk, beef and processed, cheese and margarine. These foods cause an excessive secretion of bile that severely damages the intestinal wall.
- Do not abuse the animal proteins, as they rot quickly and easily in the gut.
- Avoid whenever possible the drugs, since most of these are a real time bomb in the intestines and stomach. Especially antibiotics damage the intestinal flora, and aspirin is a corrosive, strong irritant to the gastrointestinal mucosa.
- Avoid anything processed or supplemented with additives (coloring, sweeteners, preservatives, etc.), as these are very bad for the gut mucosa. The products that also irritate and break down the walls and intestinal mucosa are coffee, cocoa, alcohol, snuff, refined sugar and all its derivatives, etc.
- The product that sticks to the intestinal lining and causes excess weight, allergies, high cholesterol and problems of all kinds of health is the cow's milk.
- Avoid pharmacy laxatives to cure colon problems. This is not the solution. The real cure for colon and bowel is to follow a series of healthy habits.
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