Published: 10/17/2008 - Updated: 10/08/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Everyone talks about diet and exercise when it comes to losing weight and regain firmness and smooth anatomy. It is said out there that not only should one consider one of these aspects, especially since a certain age the body needs more than just put a strict diet and exercise routines.
William Faloon, writer, in an article called "The Seven Pillars to lose weight successfully", offers an interesting seven-step routine which is similar to the therapies that are administered in people with cancer. At some time in certain age, Adipose tissue (fat cells) behaves as tumors to grow and accumulate in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and so on.
Restoration of insulin sensitivity
One of the steps proposed by the author for the efficient removal of such accumulations of fat is the restoration of insulin sensitivity.
Having optimal body is something to be taken into account, because the insulin receptors begin to lose feeling in a given time, and this cripples the body's cells to use glucose for energy production due, as which leads to increased insulin in the body. Some of the ways to help balance this and raise awareness in the cell membranes would be, for example, including foods in the diet containing chromium, magnesium and fish oil. Another way to rejuvenate the insulin sensitivity is to lower the consumption of less than 1500-1800 calories per day. However, every effort to reduce calories has remarkable effects.
Restoring brain serotonin
Another issue to consider is restoring brain serotonin, which is a hormone produced in considerable quantities with a state of joy and pleasure. The absence of this important hormone is associated with high consumption of carbohydrates, which contribute to the excessive accumulation of fat in the body. Those who are overweight or have fed on low levels of tryptophan in the bloodstream (this is an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin). The percentage of serotonin, chronic inflammation and overactive immune system, appear to play a critical role in obesity.
William Fallon recommends adding tryptophan in the diet (750mg orally twice daily), as this increases the serotonin in the brain and helps the body feels satisfied without eating, happy and calm, which will help you sleep better.
I recommend for people who prefer more natural or do not like the idea of ingesting doses of drugs, hormones or supplements, looking first to a dietitian if they reduce or balance the carbohydrate consumption, then I recommend looking for activities that are enjoyable, practices such as yoga or tai-chi to stimulate the capacity for reflection, so that your joy is not something insipid or injected, but is the result of a life of deep thought. And then not only stimulate serotonin in the body, but to stimulate and rejuvenate all the energy levels.
Restoring hormonal balance
And finally, another mention of the steps proposed in the article, which is restoring hormonal balance.
We put on a diet to lose weight but depriving of a certain number of calories is not synonymous with lower class. At present, in fact, already known to stop eating is often the reason for weight gain. The abdominal obesity is one of the most dangerous types of overweight. Testosterone deficiency is the reason why many men have a hard time losing actions in the area of the waist. Furthermore, low levels of dehidroepiandroesterona (DHEA ) also contributes to the accumulation of fat that is undesirable. A blood test may help us detect these deficiencies. There are remedy creams and testosterone-based drugs to inhibit aromatase (a substance that converts testosterone into estrogen. There are also nutritional formulas based on special plants to inhibit the action of aromatase.
On the other hand, many people start to suffer from age low thyroid levels, and this predisposes the body weight gain. To remedy this, the author proposes the use of medications such as thyroid complex natural Armor.
Another cause a hormonal imbalance that causes is the excessive production of estrogen in the woman's body, a condition called estrogen dominance. " Excess estrogen is a predisposing cause of the woman's body to increase weight easily. It proposes to restore their balance in women estrogen intervention of a specialist in hormone replacement therapy, so as to avoid the old shortcut stop eating less, and to correct the hormonal imbalance.
I propose to women and men including in the diet foods high in fresh vegetables such as soybeans, broccoli, carrots, the sprouts, etc. , and reduce consumption of sugars refined and sausages. The body only responds to the lifestyles and habits constant, and one can always have a hormonal balance in favor if you keep a diet as healthy as possible. Turned to drugs and compounded things we have neglected a life.
However, good nutrition and exercise should be accompanied at all times from internal growth, then, when people need to work in the energy level, we need also emotionally and spiritually stay nourished, feel and lead a happy life is really exciting, is the dressing of all beauty needs of all young and slim body.
About the author
Inspiring article, I feel revitalized with those words and motivated to keep on doing the diet I am following, sometimes I feel I amd going to quit but then I read things to feed myself as a human being, very beautiful human being, so thanks for sharing word like these, I really appreciate that
Everyone does talk about diets when it comes to losing weight, and I just can’t believe that people still don’t understand that it all comes down to just diet and exercise. Diet and exercise!! And i think exercise is even more important than diet when it comes to losing weight. If you really want to byrn fat, you have to burn THOUSANDS of calories more than what you consume, and the only way to do that is through exercise.