Published: 01/12/2010 - Updated: 08/20/2016
2010 promises to be a very good year for organic farming worldwide, and in this case, for products from Peru. And this year is that there will be a strong campaign to promote organic food presence at international Peruvians fairs, so says the Foreign Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima. This new impetus is due to the growing success of the presentations by the Peruvians organic and natural products in various trade fairs in the world.
Most new events that are in Peru will be represented in the U.S. and Canada, two countries where the penetration of organic food could still improve significantly.
Presence at BIO fair
The first fair will take place is the Natural Products Expo West to be held in Anaheim, California, USA from 12th to 14th March, to be attended by companies producing and marketing of natural products, pharmacies, supermarkets, gift shops, shoppers food for restaurants, schools and hotels, department stores, brokers, importers, exporters and dealers.
The numbers speak for themselves
Taking stock of 2009, a total of nine Peruvian companies sold more than $ 7 million in organic products at these fairs. So much that by the year 2010, is counting on support from commercial offices in Miami, New York and Washington to conduct a thorough pre-promotion between specialized buyers, through media and magazines and to have more competition in Fair.
Peru: leading exporter of organic trout
Sierra Exportadora and producers of Puno, through the company San Pedro and San Pablo SAC., managed to export to Australia more than ten tons of canned organic trout. The total amount of exports borders the U.S. $ 100. 000.
Executive President of Sierra Exportadora, Gaston Benza Pflucker, said the institution accompanied producers throughout the production process, providing ongoing direct technical assistance throughout the production process and in all aspects related to the renovation of the plant clearance issued by ITP and is a basic prerequisite for export.
To supply feedstock for the plant operation, the company uses organic and conventional trout produced by the producers of the lagoon. Currently, the lake associations of producers operate three trout, two of them: Association of St. Peter and St. Paul (12 producers) and Association Porvenir (20 producers) produce conventional trout, coming together to produce 100 TN / year, and a Association: Association of Ecological Producers of Bio trout in Peru, comprised of 20 producers, reaching an output of 60 tons / year, said the President of Sierra Exportadora.
Exporter and Company Sierra San Pedro and San Pablo SAC have been operating in the community Iscayapi 4 Km Arapa district, province of Azangaro Puno. Since the beginning of their operations, Arapa was characterized by good management, having implemented and HACCP certificate for export.
He has also managed to certify each of the processed products: canned in steak, medallion and pleasing, smoked and fresh that require national and international markets.
Within the first exports can mention a lot of 400 boxes of canned trout fillets in olive oil and salt and water, which were sent successfully to the market in Switzerland.
Sources: Peru Ecological / Ecoalimenta
About the author
I visited Peru last year and I was surprised by the system of organic farming, they have a wide variety of products and a good control of all of them so surely they will become a good reference of organic farming in a couple of years , and it?s always glad to hear that
I actually didn’t know that Peru exported trout, that’s really crazy because I know that they are exposed to the coast, and I”m sure fishing is a big part of coastal Peru, but when I went to Peru it was all about roasted chicken and guinea pig! Hahaha!