Published: 08/10/2008 - Updated: 03/17/2014
The European Commission launched the Agricultural Fair Libramont (Belgium), on July 25th as the new campaign by the EU to promote organic agriculture. Under the slogan "Good for nature, good for us ", the campaign aims to inform consumers of the significance and benefits of agriculture and food production related to environment. Much of the focus will be on youth and children.
This campaign is part of the European action plan on food and agriculture and one of the elements thereof which has emphasized the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Mariann Fischer, is the new website (www.organic-farming.europa.eu ) that contains a "tool box" for professionals of the entire food sector and biological agriculture, in which marketing tools in 22 languages to promote this mode of feeding.
Addition, the Commission opened a competition for a new European logo for organic production.
In recent years, the number of operators in this sector, farmers, producers, processors and importers, has increased significantly. According to information from Brussels, in 2005 there were 182,305 in the EU-25. The number of retailers involved in this type of food has also grown considerably.
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Hmm. Pretty short article, I’d like to hear a little bit more about it. How far does this European Commission campaign reach? Does it involve the farmers as well as the consumers? I really think here in the United States there needs to be a lot of work done in educating people regarding the importance fo eating organic.