Published: 10/28/2007 - Updated: 06/25/2016
The area sown to these crops in the province has increased to the 65,902 hectares.
CEO of Organic Agriculture of Andalusia, Manuel Gonzalez de Molina, has submitted the first Organic Agriculture Strategic Plan for Vega de Granada, which aims to support and enhance the sector this area of special interest in the province. Soil quality and length of irrigation along the river make this region of Granada having a potential of great relevance to agriculture, as provided for the Strategic Plan, it is necessary to maintain the organic production system because it ensures the continuity of natural resources and promoting biodiversity.
González de Molina also explained that this first plan will be implemented through measures to promote production, processing, marketing and consumption of organic agriculture, thanks to the rotation of crops, fertilizer use and respect for natural biological cycles that permit the richness of the soil while providing top quality food. He also indicated the national and international agro-food market is increasing attention to products developed and produced using the organic method, given the growing consumer concern for sustainability and the environment.
Presentation ceremony of the Strategic Plan for Organic Agriculture of the Vega de Granada was attended by more than one hundred representatives of agricultural organizations and related social sectors, such as UPA, FAEC, ASAJA, COAG Platform Salvemos la Vega, Graeca and dynamic network of women's consumption and environmental responsibility . Along with Gonzalez de Molina appeared the director of the Center for Research and Training in Organic Agriculture and Rural Development of the Vega de Granada (CIFAED), Gloria Guzman.
This specific initiative for Vega de Granada is part of the II Plan of Organic Agriculture of the Agriculture and Fisheries, with a budget of 384 million euros will remain in force until 2013. This II Plan, like the previous one, has emerged from analysis and reflection by all actors involved, as they have been approximately 1,000 participants in its development within the various provincial and sectoral meetings. All of them have developed their work with the objectives of betting on the rural development, territorial cohesion and improved quality of life and the sustainability of natural resources.
High growth area of ecological Grenada
In late 2006, the province of Granada had a total of 54,788 hectares of agricultural land certified as organic, which represents more than 10% of regional total, over half a million hectares. In the last six months, agricultural area with ecological management of the province of Granada has grown dramatically, up to June 2007, 65,902 hectares.
Today, Spain is the second European country in organic agriculture, with Andalusia accumulating 60 percent of the national area.
About the author
Great article. This is definitely a necessity. I keep wondering, however, what it would be like if the world just competely abolished use of pesticides all at the same time. Would we be able to feed ourselves? And if not…how could we change the way we think about growing food, to adapt more realistically to growing population?