Published: 10/09/2005 - Updated: 04/03/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Climacterium Female
The term Climacterium female means the entire time period, which lasts from a few months to several years, during which sexual cycles are irregular and eventually disappear.
A short term menopause has implications that affect the welfare. But in the long term, can cause serious medical problems.
Problems at the start of menopause vary from other women. The most common are:
- vaso-motor disturbances: heat waves and night sweats mood disorders, nervousness and sometimes depression,
- disturbance of concentration and memory.
The demonstrations at long term are:
- Organ impairment due to declining estrogen: wrinkles appear on the skin, loss of turgidity.
- Myocardial infarction: the protective effect is lost as a cardiovascular estrogen performed.
- Osteoporosis: Due to a reduction in bone mass that makes women more prone to fractures of the spine, forearm and head of the femur.
- Lack of estrogen in the mucosa: The vaginal mucosa is thinner and atrophy.
To prevent all these symptoms and manifestations, we will define the following formula:
Soy Extract:
Soy is a high quality food that is consumed mainly in the countries of the East. There are numerous studies on the benefits of soy consumption for women's health.
These benefits are due to the presence of isoflavons in the composition of soybeans. Isoflavons are phytoestrogens. Are characterized by their chemical structure in a phenolic ring, which is not always, but in most cases, a requirement for union with the estrogen receptor. The main isoflavons found in soy extract and genistein are daidzein.
The isoflavons in addition to soybeans, are abundant in legumes, but are also found in smaller amounts in other plants such as cereals, other legumes fruits and vegetables.
The interest in phytoestrogens, some of the epidemiological observation, in the sense that Asian women whose diet is rich in soy (50% of total calories) have a higher incidence of symptoms and processes pathological related to climacterium clearly inferior to that seen in Western women.
Vasomotor phenomena are most characteristic of the climacteric, which are sweating and redness crisis that affects the face, neck and upper chest: "flushing". Isoflavons have been shown effective in controlling vasomotor crises.
These epidemiological studies have also indicated that women have an oriental incidence of osteoporosis and hip fracture significantly lower than that seen in Western women.
Cardioprotective Effects of estrogen may be manifested by lipid changes as decreases in cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and increase HDL and vascular effects, both in tone and in the vasomotor state of the wall glass. .
Salvia Extract:
It is now known that sage contains certain chemicals that have estrogenic properties, as it contains substances called plant sterols that have an estrogenic effect and refreshing. In menopausal women reduces the sweating, so it is very effective in reducing hot flushes and sweats.
Hops Extract:
Female inflorescences are used. The composition presents principles estrogen, so it is highly recommended for use during menopause.
Evening primrose oil:
The prostaglandin reduces the effects of prolactin (hormone that produces changes in the nature and themselves in the metabolism of this syndrome). The prostaglandin also has complex interactions with the steroids. The effect of this is that the prostaglandin E 1 helps to soften the reactions of the changing levels during the second half of the menstrual cycle. This also occurs during menopause, because there is a continuing loss of estrogen, resulting in changes in the balance that with the help of honnonal prostaglandins can be controlled.
Borage Oil:
Oil pressure for the first time, the seeds of Borago officinalis, belonging to the family Boraginaceas. This oil is rich in essential fatty acids and carries them into a very significant proportion of gamma-linolenic acid. This allows acid availability acid dihomo-gamma, which is the precursor of prostaglandins of series 1 and arachidonic acid is the precursor of prostaglandins of series 2.
Prostaglandins of series 1 are generally but also have anti-inflammatory effects, prostaglandins of series 2 favor the formation of clots and thrombi, thus its synthesis must be controlled to avoid imbalances. Prostaglandins of 3 series lead to the formation of leukotrienes which are mediators of inflammation, bronchoconstrictors and thromboxanes are formed in platelets and are going to induce platelet aggregation.
The borage oil is achieved by balancing the effects of the three series of prostaglandins throughout the body and subsequently obtained a balance in the functioning of the female reproductive system, regulating the levels of sex hormones (estrogen-progestin) making borage oil useful in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.
Coral Calcium:
One of the consequences of menopause is osteoporosis (porous bone) which is a disease in which bone is lost and the bone becomes more porous, thin and fragile, resisting the worst blows and break easily.
How do you prevent osteoporosis?
Most effective treatment for osteoporosis is prevention. The three pillars in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis are:
1. Physical Exercise
2. Proper diet to correct the daily calcium
3. Lifestyle
It is precisely for the importance of the contribution of calcium in the prevention of osteoporosis by 10 that the formula that we're defining is calcium, as well as Coral Calcium because:
- It has organic origin, 10 the much faster uptake and fixation in the bone
- Contains Calcitonin: A hormone that increases calcium absorption by allowing its rapid presence in blood.
- Contains organic nutrients that makes it more bioavailable. It also presents
- antioxidant neutralizing effect, increasing the pH.
Lactate Magnesium:
Magnesium is a mineral. It is part of the skeletal system, and the teeth of many enzymes. 60% of daily needs are deposited in bones, organs and 28% in the remaining 2% in body fluids.
Magnesium helps determine the calcium and phosphorus in bones and teeth. Involved in hormonal balance.
There are different types of bioflavonoids, and each has different properties. Flavonoids are important to the health of blood vessels.
They regulate capillary permeability, also relax the smooth muscle walls of the cardiovascular system by promoting blood pressure. It also has important protective actions of the cardiovascular system, exerts strong anti-inflammatory properties. This is due to its antioxidant effects and its ability to act against histamines and other inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins and leukotriens.
These functions are shared among most of bioflavonoids, but some others have specific properties, like activity similar to estrogen.
Zinc is a mineral, its presence is concentrated in bone, testes, hair and pigmented tissues.
The most common symptoms of zinc deficiency often are menstrual irregularities, delayed growth, prostate problems, and so on.
It has the active ingredient, proteolytic enzyme. The therapeutic activity of bromelain that promotes diuresis and helps to release more easily from cumulus fats. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, and further edema, in situations where there is fluid retention.
Folic Acid:
Folic acid or vitamin B9. It has been shown that plasma homocysteine levels, both basal and post-methionine overload, is decreased in pregnant women compared to premenopausal and postmenopausal women. In premenopausal women, high concentrations of 17-beta-estradiol may contribute to lower homocysteine levels.
Metabolism of homocysteine is linked to the metabolism of certain B vitamins, especially folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B 12. When there is a deficiency of these vitamins, homocysteine levels in blood increase.
Elevated levels of homocysteine involve problems of arteriosclerosis, it also affects the blood, causing platelets to become sticky, and thus encouraging clot formation.
Vitamin B6:
The Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 is required for proper absorption of vitamin B12 and the production of hydrochloric acid, which is why their presence is important because help absorb vitamin B12 in the stomach at this level and also regulates the acid needed for proper digestion of food.
Like other B vitamins, it acts as a coenzyme in reactions that lead to breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Must be present for the synthesis of red blood cell antibody. The acquisition of glucose from glycogen stored in liver and muscle, as these reactions to occur there must be the vitamin B6. It is necessary for the proper synthesis and action of DNA and RNA.
Vitamin B6 helps maintain sodium and potassium balance, which govern the balance of various body fluids and promotes normal functioning of nerves and muscles. The vitamin B6 is associated with depression.
Vitamin B12:
Or Cyanocobalamin Vitamin B12 is a substance that contains cobalt in its molecule and is essential for our body. Vitamin B 12 is necessary for normal metabolism of nerve tissue and is involved in the metabolism of s hydrate. Carbon, fats and proteins.. Iron helps the body function better. Along with Vitamin B6, it helps in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. Prevent mental deterioration and improves memory and the ability to reason and concentrate also has an important power energizing.
Vitamin B12 is essential in patients with pernicious anemia, as well as vegetarian diets and the vitamin B12. Only exists in foods of animal origin. Involved in the maturation of red blood cells and can protect the liver from damage caused by toxic and allergic substances.
Vitamin C:
The first function of vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is the maintenance of collagen, a protein required for formation of connective tissue in the skin, ligaments and bones. Vitamin C requirements increase with age because of the need to regenerate collagen.
During menopause, there is a deterioration of the organs for the loss of estrogen, so we can say that wrinkles occur in the skin turgor loss, osteoporosis occurs due to a reduction in bone mass, vitamin C plays an important role in recovery from the effects produced at this stage.
Vitamin C has antioxidant properties that can block the formation of substances harmful to our body such as free radicals.
Vitamin C promotes formation of fine bones and teeth, through the protection of the dentin and pulp. Fighting gum disease known as disease piriodontal characteristic of scurvy when vitamin C deficiencies defenses are weakened and the surface of the gums becomes more permeable to bacteria and toxins.
Man depends on dietary sources of vitamin C because it is unable to synthesize. The absorption of this vitamin is higher in small doses than in large doses, it is better to take smaller doses several times a day. Excess vitamin C is eliminated in the urine.
Vitamin D3:
Vitamin D3 helps osteoporosis, hence the importance of providing Vitamin D3 during menopause.
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A or retinol-function such that it is essential to human health. Involved in growth and tissue repair. Involved in building bones and teeth, as well as the formation of blood. Vitamin A strengthens the walls of cells in the mucosal lining the digestive tract, respiratory, kidney and makes them more resistant to infectious agents and contaminants outside. Vitamin A exerts stimulatory effects on the immune system by increasing the activity of antibody producing cell s fighters active against the disease. Involved in building bones and teeth, as well as the formation of blood.
Vitamin E:
What is known as vitamin E are a group of components called tocopherols that have a strong biological nutritional value.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects natural all the cells and substances in the body from oxidation caused by free radicals, which are very harmful molecules that form when they lose an electron. As the aging of cells is primarily due to oxidation, vitamin E is useful to delay this process also prevents the formation of scars on the body surface, i.e. in the skin and also inside the body. Vitamin E is highly effective to inhibit blood coagulation, also strengthens the capillary walls and thus helps the food and oxygen to reach all body cells.
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