Published: 06/05/2013 - Updated: 06/13/2017
Author: Miriam Reyes
Discipline and patience are two of the tools you need to get a flat stomach. There are no shortcuts, no miracle products: Just hard work and dedication. However, if you're willing to change your habits, you can get the flat stomach you've always desired!
Eat healthily
Surely you'll miss eating chips, candy, ice cream, and junk food we can find on the market daily. But these foods are undesirable for your body, occasionally you can eat them in moderation, your body needs food rich in varied nutrients.
Characteristics of the diet:
Calorie quantity is so important as food quality, as this determines how your body stores fat. Go back to the basic diet, as fresh and natural, remember that if it has a label filled with chemicals, flavors and preservatives, it is probably not the best product, if it can last long on the shelves, certainly can last long in your abdomen.
- Fresh fruit, no syrup or processed juices.
- Fresh vegetables, not canned
- Fresh fish
- Whole grains instead of refined flours
- Dairy and meat products that are of better quality if they are organic
- Nuts, seeds and legumes
- Foods rich in fiber are excellent for your digestion and also slow down the absorption of nutrients such as sugars. Avoid frying your food and adding too much salt
Discipline yourself with schedules
Several studies have shown that carrying out several meals during the day (3 major and 2 snacks) helps us lose weight, reduce inflammation in general, and also prevent aging. The reason is that your body does not accumulate or pass through hunger, and therefore unconsciously you reduce your food portions.
If you eat regularly, you activate your metabolism, promoting fat burning. This occurs through a process known as "thermogenesis" meaning heat, this is the internal motor located in the center of your body, the abdomen.
If you stay in thermogenesis, you maintain a flat and marked stomach, so that eating regularly during the day helps keep your figure and waist in shape.
Supplements to lose weight
Perhaps there are no miracle products, but there are some herbs that can be your allies in weight loss as green tea, cinnamon and fenugreek.
These plants have an impact on appetite control, making it easy to take out a diet, and that your decisions when choosing the foods you consume are healthier. It is important to consume in adequate doses and not exceed.
Food to avoid
The power to reduce steps and lose weight, you must of course try to consume fewer calories you're consuming, which is why some foods are less recommended than others. The following foods are those which you preferably should avoid:
Hydrogenated oils (usually this information can be found on the labels, avoid all foods that have the words "partially hydrogenated")
- Sugars
- Artificial Sweeteners
- Corn Syrup High in Fructose
- Refined flour products
- Junk food (chips, industrial breads and pastries, etc.)
- Processed foods
For your body to burn the extra calories, you will need to perform regular physical activity, so it is advisable to do 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise four to five days a week. After this activity is recommended, spend time walking or doing weight workouts to strengthen your muscles and thus increase your energy expenditure.
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