Published: 05/12/2009 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Ampuku is a little-known manual therapy. In this article we explain what Ampuku is, the methodologies used, what it is based on and the benefits it has.
What is Ampuku?
Ampuku means "the pulse of the will" or "calm the abdomen" and a body treatment that focuses on the Hara, the body's energy center located in the stomach as oriental medicine.
The Ampuku was developed in Japan, and initially was used as a branch of the ancient therapy and "Anma" traditional Chinese massage. The influence of Buddhism brought Anma to Japan for over 1000 years, through Buddhist monks who sent the Japanese emperor to develop medicine, science and education in the country.
For reasons of climate, geography and cultural differences, the Japanese people therapy adapted to their needs, demonstrating an excellent ability to analyze and deepen the effectiveness of Anma and then when it appeared the Ampuku.
It was during the Edo era (1603-1867 AD) when the Japanese government formally withdrew the two therapies and Ampuku received its own definition.
One of the most important teachers of that era and the history of the Ampuku, was the Master Shiansi Ota, who broke the Ampuku of Anma and provided the definition of both. This definition has contributed and influenced the development of current methods of Ampuku and some therapies that we know today.
Ota said:
"If we practice Ampuku on the patient, blockages of Ki basic flow, harmony among the vital organs will increase, improving blood circulation, bones and joints will become more flexible and less widespread muscle, skin is more hydrated and appetite improved. Urine and faeces out more easily, increase the strength of Qi and improve memory. "
Methodologies of Ampuku
Ampuku has two methodologies, physiological, focused and treating diseases of the body and emotional, which focuses on the roots of these diseases, as expressed in the internal blockages and emotional difficulties.
Physiological methodology has its roots in traditional China and considers the belly as the center of life energy, also the fact that contains many of the internal organs, it becomes very important at therapeutic level. The physiological Ampuku defend the actions on the belly and the area parallel to the back as a means of treating disease by favoring the balance of energy in the Hara Ki base and improving the function of internal organs and harmony between them.
Emotional methodology considers the root of disease patterns and the negative emotional blockages of the person. The release of blockages to help the person to begin a process of self-knowledge to achieve change in the patterns.
The Ampuku is diagnostic assessments in two areas: the abdomen, where the therapist detects various conditions of the stomach as the pulse of the Hara, Hara voltage, the condition of internal organs. The other is the assessment of reading as the major body elements of Nature, which comes from the philosophy and the Tibetan culture.
In reading the body is considered the human being as a creature of nature and as such there are elements within it. The elements are represented in defined parts of the body and the therapist assesses the physical structure and the energy relationship between the elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Tree), both in nature and in the human body, have their characteristics, functions, events, and represent evolutionary stages of life. Through observation, the detected energy disharmony and the origin of life patterns, that block the growth of human beings, are expressed in their physical and emotional way.
The therapist sum impressions: the body structure, the gait and speech, among other assessment tools to decide which the most appropriate treatment for each person is.
For example, the earth in the body is the hip and the body is represented by the bone. On earth are the tradition, education, material, knowledge, standards, safety, time, sex and residence, are developed in the early years of life. Both in Nature and in the body, the soil may be dry, in the form of mud, cracked etc. The imbalance of the earth tells us that the conflicts of the individual could develop during the first years of life and be influenced by the relationships between families. The diagnosis of elements allows the therapist to analyze the condition of the person and their conflicts, both the obvious and hidden.
The human body is a mirror that reflects their internal condition, physically and mentally. When we are watching we can see its outer expression, which indicates the status of internal locks, which actually generate both physical and mental illnesses. Blocked energy is converted to long-term negative patterns of behavior that the person identified as part of their life and then erupts like diseases.
The connection between the person and the disease is straightforward, since according to the holistic medicine, there are no diseases, only sick people. The disease is part of the character of the person, which takes place in the body and spirit as a result of oppression created by the person. A healing process is a process of real change in these patterns and basic behavior patterns.
The benefits of Ampuku
Physiological work on the abdomen helps to stabilize and harmony in the functioning and benefits digestive symptoms such as constipation, irritable colon, gastritis, etc.. Improves respiratory system problems such as asthma, shortness of breath. It is also very effective for headaches and migraines, rheumatic pain, discomfort and stiffness, stress, etc.. If you receive an Ampuku treatment regularly you can help reproductive system problems, such as fertility.
Emotional Ampuku techniques help people to understand their habits and negative patterns, and relate their experiences throughout life with the discomfort and difficulties they are experiencing. The intent of treatment is not simply treat the pain but to help the person to create a space where it can begin to perceive their employers and to express their real needs and emotions.
When we apply Ampuku, a person usually experience different feelings, both physical and emotional. Internal conflicts rise to the surface of consciousness and the possibility of generating movement and change. The fact that the person connect with their conflicts, gives you the ability to make decisions that can change their behavior in specific situations, directly related to their physical – emotional, thus improving their quality of life and health.
Anma-Ampuku Center
Nir Levy Y Yaniv Sharon
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