Published: 11/12/2005 - Updated: 06/28/2016
The II Organic Days organized by the City of El Espinar cover organic livestock. It will cover topics such as the balance between human use and natural environment, the use of livestock in a future protected area, and human health through food. The farmer Fernando Mantecas is expected to attend.
These days link directly with those made last year under the slogan "The Sierra changes" and "Our own solutions." The objectives of these two activities were to be aware of how the mountains and foothills, the environment and its resources are affected by human action. Also sought to raise awareness of the delicacy of this balance, and then to reflect on what can be done to minimize these impacts.
With the second day, two dimensions are addressed together and still raising awareness about the fragility of the environment and resources, sharing experiences for the sustainable use and enjoyment of them, it defends and promotes citizen participation in processes sustainability.
On November 12th, the first course day will begin, given by the association Centaurea
Source: El Adelantado de Segovia
About the author
Perfect. LIvestock is another very important facet of organic food production, and while it is sad to see that animals are being “raised”, I know that people are too stubborn to give up eating meat, so we might as well do this in an organic and healthy fashion. Eventually we will have to become vegetarian peoples though.