Published: 04/23/2008 - Updated: 11/19/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Salmon is a fish that lives in saltwater, but it could reproduce in freshwater. It belongs to the so-called "blue fish", those fish that are characterized by a high content of adipose tissue, thus are often also called "fatty fish”. Its size can vary depending on the species, we can find examples of low weight and size, even some of more than 40 kg and over 1.5 meters long.
Salmon is a food that represents a vital source of nutrients among which a significant percentage of fatty acids ( long-chain omega-3), in especially eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid.
Intake of Omega 3 fatty acids (found in abundance in foods of plant and marine origin, especially the salmon) is essential for various body functions that are described below:
- Protection and prevention of the cardiovascular system, because the effects of these fats help lower triglycerides and cholesterol.
- They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- They operate in development and function of the nervous and visual system.
- Avoid serious problems in the question of the coagulation.
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and its sequelae.
- Reduce fat deposits and thus prevent and combat atherosclerosis.
- They are recommended and useful in treatment for the varicose veins.
- Omega 3, when combined with lecithin and vitamin E, not only causes a rapid reduction of blood cholesterol, but also helps to eliminate toxins and impurities in the body.
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Beneficial to fight rheumatic diseases
- Prevent heart attacks
- Help combat anemia and stunting
- Relieve psoriasis and ezcema.
- The brain is composed of 60% fat. These acids help your charity conformation.
- These acids are highly essential for pregnant women, as well as for the baby in its fetal stage and during the first months of life.
- The omega 3 is a natural source of vitamins A and D.
- These acids are absorbed well in the presence of vitamin E, it is recommended consumption simultaneously.
Consumption of salmon and omega 3
Adequate consumption of these fatty acids is a major benefit to the overall health of the body. Intake of these acids must be regarded by all people and all ages. The flesh of salmon, its muscle, usually an attractive pink natural color, and intensity of which is one of the ways that the product is valued economically. The pink pigment is produced by certain substances which, besides being colorful, are also powerful antioxidants, which means that its presence improves the quality and stability of the muscle of salmon once it is processed.
Salmon can be consumed either in salmon oil, capsules or from the consumption of meat (fresh fillets) this delicious fish. The consumption of only two or three salmon provides about twice the suggested daily requirement of omega three. Salmon is a food of high availability and benefits for its high nutritional qualities. It is an economic food and can be prepared in the kitchen in various ways as suggested at the end of this article.
Products in the market for Omega 3
In the market we can find capsules of salmon oil, and many products that contain Omega 3 (hereinafter referred to some side products with "fish oil") which are a mixture of oils from different fish such as cod, varieties of trout and other cold areas which generally are those that contain a higher nutrient value. However, none of these products seems to have high quality like salmon oil.
Then we share a recipe for you to enjoy this delicious and nutritious food.
Salmon in lemon sauce
Yield: 3 servings
- Juice of two lemons or three (depending on taste)
- Two cups of unsweetened plain yogurt
- A bit of soy sauce
- One sprig of parsley
- Salt to taste
- 3 salmon fillets
- A bit of butter
- Season: put the lemon, yogurt, soy sauce, salt and parsley in a blender
- Crush until a thick cream. If necessary, add a little milk.
- Cook the fish in a little butter, salt and oil.
- When ready, bathe in this sauce.
- Serve hot on a bed of brown rice or a bed of lettuce.
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