Published: 11/09/2005 - Updated: 09/15/2018
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
Concello do Porriño offers this month a series of conferences on organic agriculture, designed to publicize and promote this type of agriculture without chemicals.
Environment Department of the council has organized lectures, 7 specialists who staged until November 25th. Agatha Broeskamp Gundi, economist and horticulturist, will appear on Wednesday morning at the Municipal Cultural, who will speak from her experience, it will start at 20 hours, as all the other conferences in the cycle.
Next Friday, Ernesto Sánchez Salgado, technical director of the Consell Regulador da Agricultura Ecolóxica in Galicia, will speak about the "conversion" to these crops.
One of the organizers, Marcelino Rodriguez Acosta, said yesterday in presenting days that the goal is "to raise awareness of what organic agricultura has." While Porriño is not a town with agricultural land, “there are smaller places that can be used for such purposes”
Porriño Mayor Raul Frances, for his part said that this conference is to open "a point of debate about the use a good relationship with producer and consumer."
The local technical Environment Conchi Alvarez Rodriguez, described the cycle as "an Opportunity" to learn of "from conventional to alternative agriculture."
Treatment of soil cultivation, pest and disease control and more related to consumption and nutrition will also be addressed during the series.
Source: El Faro de Vigo
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