Published: 02/06/2010 - Updated: 02/07/2018
Author: Jorgelina Reyente
The aim of the center is the application of natural and alternative therapies to help you achieve greater psychological wellbeing and physical aesthetic.
The Center's team is made up of Garaday Natural Therapies qualified and experienced technicians, to help you feel better, advising on everything you need in a personalized way.
This word is the sum of the terms moxa and burning. The moxa is a substance, usually plant that can burn slowly. Acupuncture is generally used in a plant called mugwort. Traditional Chinese medicine to cure disease seeks to restore the balance of the different energies that travel through the human body. The condition occurs when any of these energies is in excess (plethora) or default (failure). The cure is achieved when excess spread is achieved or tone their defects.
Moxibustion is one of the main methods to tone that energy. The application of heat in these areas resolves your tone channels energy deficit.
Moxibustion Techniques:
This therapy can be divided into two sections, moxibustion cones and cigars:
In moxibustion in cones, small balls are manufactured or cones of the plant used and distributed by the points we have chosen for treatment, then set them on fire and let burn to embers.
We can put the sage directly to the skin without any protection between. In this case we call direct moxibustion. Sometimes you need to get to produce a burn on the skin with the appearance of even a scab.
If we avoid direct contact with skin and interpose, as a protection, a slice of garlic or ginger, we will produce the effect with the moxa heat but avoid burning the patient. This would be indirect moxibustion.
Another form of indirect moxibustion is to insert the cone of moxa on the head of an acupuncture needle that is punctured once on the body, setting fire to the plant. This technique is also called temperate needle.
The second is the moxibustion with cigar. Here we use cylinder shaped pure sagebrush.
The therapist slowly applies heat on the skin of the patient. Remains about the extent to which the sensation becomes painful withdrew for a few seconds and re-align in the same way. This process requires 10 to 20 minutes of application by point to treat.
It is the oldest massage technique that is known. It is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. Like acupuncture, this technique works on energy meridians and points this command. It takes into account the direction and energy balance for the rebalancing in cases in which sickness is impaired.
The application of Tuina has energy effects, mechanical and biochemical. As applied to act on local tissues and muscles and distance on the nervous system, glandular or deep organs.
This technique involves using your hands to massage the soft tissue (muscles and tendons), acupressure techniques to directly affect the flow of Qi and manipulation techniques to restructure the relationship of musculoskeletal and joints. To increase the therapeutic benefit, use liniments, poultices or herbal salves.
The Tuina is composed of a variety of methods that emphasize a particular aspect of these therapeutic principles. The main schools in China are putting emphasis on the soft tissues and are specialized in pain and disease in the joints and muscle contractions. Another method involves finger pressure, which emphasizes techniques for acupressure and the treatment of internal diseases.
Chi nourishes the body and defends it. To maintain healthy body is required unobstructed movement of Chi. Chi blockages may be due to many causes, poor nutrition, unhealthy living, lack of energy to fight against external aggression, too much emotional stress…
Qi refers to the "vital breath", to the energy that animates the entire universe, including man. Gong refers to "work". Qi Gong (Chi Kung) means work on the vital energy.
Chi Kung techniques derived from the oldest known as Dao Yin. The term Qigong is relatively new, not used in its current meaning until the past century. In December 1955, the Chinese Ministry of Health officially recognized the therapeutic benefit of the Chi Kung and recommended its practice.
Currently we use the term Chi Kung (Qi Gong) to refer to multiple exercises to develop strength (physical, energy, mental or spiritual) or for therapeutic purposes through the mobilization of human energy (Qi).
By itself, the exercise is beneficial for many chronic diseases and meditation has been proven effective, both for having new ideas, and to open new frontiers for the mind, encourage creativity, get more energy, better muscle tone, better organ function, etc.
Chi-kung is divided into two parts: The Chi-kung internal and external Chi-kung. Chi-kung internal refers to the practice of physical and mental exercises to achieve optimal health for mind and body. Chi-kung external refers to the process by which teachers and practitioners manage Qi energy issues with the intention of helping their patients to eliminate the negative influences of stagnant of life energy.
Therefore it comes to improving the state of the body and endurance. Freeing the flow of Chi blockades which is necessary for relaxation. And the relaxation depends on the body, breathing and emotional. And also increase the level of Chi, for which we must take care of the essence and processing, which contributes to the spirit. Distributing Chi directing where necessary by Yi (mind control).
Other therapies in center:
- Diet Therapy
- Auriculotherapy
- Bach Flowers
- Aromatherapy
- Osteopathy
- Trace elements
- Biofeedback
- Reflexology
- Psychology
- Nursing
- Physiotherapy
- Phytotherapy
- Chinese Herbal
- Lymphatic drainage
- Tuina
- Shiatsu
- Suction Cups
- Sports
- Facial
- Monthly Pass
- Drainage with bamboo
- Oriental massage
- Do-In
- Massage Kua sa
- Massage with bamboo
- Massage Laken
- Nutrition Therapy according to Traditional Chinese. (Amateur)
- Combination of food
- Food choices based on time of day
- Food choices according to the season of the year
- Therapeutic qualities of food
- Course relaxing massage (amateur)
- Ideal for couples or lovers
- Introduction Traditional Chinese Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Reflexology
- Course DO-IN (single or professional masseurs)
- Tuina Course (single or professional masseurs)
- Kua-sa massage course (or professional masseurs only)
- Laken massage course (or professional masseurs only)
C / Enrique Talg No 10, 38400, Puerto de la Cruz,
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain
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