Published: 12/21/2012 - Updated: 06/10/2016
Author: Miriam Reyes
In literal sense, arthritis means joint inflammation and refers to more than 100 different conditions. Basically speaking, there are two major types of arthritis:
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which involves chronic inflammation. It begins in the synovium of joint and extends to the tissue.
Over time, the inflamed tissue invade and damage the joint cartilage, deforming it.
Osteoarthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage and other joint. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, this present very little swelling, if not any, and does not affect the entire body. Symptoms usually begin gradually and may not seem important. One or two joints can hurt a bit, especially when you move. The most commonly affected joints are the two fingers, hips, knees and spine. Sometimes only appears in one or two joints and does not extend.
Basic warning signs
- Swelling in one or more joints.
- Morning stiffness.
- Recurring pain or tenderness in any joint.
- Inability to move a joint normally.
- Redness and warmth in a joint.
- Unexplained weight loss, fever or weakness combined with joint pain.
- Symptoms such as these that last longer than two weeks.
Natural Remedies
If we have all these warning signs, it is important to consult a doctor. There are some natural remedies that can help fight pain.
Lose extra weight
By losing weight, it be easier to reduce the stress and pain of the spine, knees, hips, ankles and feet. Lighten the load on cartilage, taking off the pressure of your bones and thereby reducing, or even eliminating, the incidence of swelling, inflammation and pain.
Apply heat and cold
The heat relaxes muscles, especially before exercise. Heat can be applied to all joints simultaneously with a hot bath tub. To avoid fatigue, do not stay more than 20 minutes in a hot water bath.
Hot packs can also be effective to relieve heat and joints. Wet a towel in hot water and apply to painful joint. If you use a heating electric pad, keep it at a low temperature, and don't apply to the joint for too long. Never go to bed or sleep on a heating pad.
For temporary relief of pain and tenderness, apply cold compresses on joints. A bag, ice cubes, or a small can of frozen juice, inside a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel.
Herbal automassage
Eucalyptus ointment provides soothing relief beneath the skin to decrease pain. Rub the ointment on the sore area and around. Then wrap the joint with plastic. You will feel a pleasant heat.
Willow Bark
The natural aspirin to relieve the pain. Use willow bark infusions to control pain instead of taking aspirins.
Vitamin C
It produces collagen and cartilage, to relieve pain. Often, people with rheumatoid arthritis have vitamin C deficiency. Taking quantities up to 1.500 milligrams of vitamin, arthritis can decrease. This nutrient helps regenerate needed collagen and cartilage to minimize the effects of deterioration.
Green tea
Some researchers claim that green tea may benefit the treatment or prevention of rheumatoid arthritis. Polyphenolic antioxidants in green tea is preventive and therapeutic against arthritis.
Fish oils
Fatty acids, such as omega-3 that fish oils have, help fight the pain of arthritis.
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