Published: 04/30/2013 - Updated: 03/18/2019
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Bone pain is a special sensitivity or discomfort you may feel either in one or more bones, usually in the extremities of the body such as arms and legs, hands and feet or heels, etc.
This ailment is usually less common than joint or muscle pain. The causes bone pain may be from a fracture to other causes such as those mentioned below:
Causes of pain in skeletal system:
- Growth pain (in the case of young people or children in growing stage)
- Colds or very strong colds could cause bone pain
- Cool downs
- Osteoporosis or malnourished bones, demineralized or fragile
- Infection of the bone (osteomyelitis)
- Kidney diseases which are a major cause lead to a weakening of the bones
- Problems hemorrhoids or menstruation
- Malnutrition
- Osteoarthritis and arthritis
- Menopause because they usually have weak bones or osteoporosis
- Overload marrow due to overweight
- Poor digestion or constipation
- Bone cancer
- Cancer in any part of the body that has come down to the bone
- Problems that bone blood supply (such as sickle cell anemia)
- Infection
- Injury such as broken bones
- Leukemia
There are two types of bone pain:
- Chronic: Recurrent pain flashes and have various reasons as above.
- Acute: they occur suddenly and are strong, may be due to an overload or strong pull of the muscles.
Symptoms of bone pain:
- Tiredness
- Joint stiffness
- Feeling of heaviness
- Pain in the back, legs or arms
- Bone Fragility
What to do with bone pain?
- The first thing is to watch your diet, which should be abundant in fresh vegetables steamed, in salads, fresh juices or soups. You should avoid all refined products, especially sugar and white flour which demineralize body and steal calcium from bones.
- If you have arthritis, we recommend taking fresh ginger which will help reduce joints inflammation and help drain your body of toxins.
- Watch if you have constipation and if you evacuate at least twice daily. If constipated, go on a diet one day only eating papaya to help a bowel cleansing.
- If you have excessive tiredness with bone pain, try to rest as much as possible, it may be that your body is in repair phase of disease, watch your diet, drink plenty of pure water and do some stretches or exercises by the morning.
- In case of bone infection, arthritis, colds very strong, overweight or otherwise, you should go on a diet two days eating only pineapple or grapes seed starting fasting with two tablespoons of olive oil extra virgin. Drink two liters of pure water during this diet. Upon completion, follow by a regime of fresh vegetables, brown rice, fish, chia, yeast and dairy milks like soy or almond.
- Supplements that should not miss in your diet are: calcium, vitamin D, A c, citrus juice fasting, sunbathing, drinking carrot juice with alfalfa and celery. Supplements of magnesium and manganese should be included in your diet frequently. Almonds, walnuts, chia, fish, etc.., are foods that you should be included very often in your diet.
Emotional aspect of bone pain
The bones represent the structure of our body, without them we could not sustain our muscles and organs, we would be like jelly. The emotional aspect of bone pain is linked precisely to a lack of internal structure or lack a sense of deep support either of those around us or a shallow spirituality with which we "can support" or feel guided internally. The lack of personal value and blaming or not feeling good enough, smart, etc.., influences bone pain.
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