Published: 09/24/2006 - Updated: 06/07/2017
A delegation from Jinan, capital of Shandong Province of China, consisting of six people, has recently visited Germany to learn about the organic sector, as well as organic farmers. Shandong is a major center of livestock in China. In collaboration with Hela-Foods, and the Foundation Schweisfurth BioFach China assessed the potential of organic livestock production in Shandong.
The BioFach China Project has the support of the Society of Development DEG. The breeding project is just one of the plans for developing the organic market in China. First BioFach China Conference will be held on December 1st and 2nd, 2006 in Shanghai, and the first BioFach China – International Trade Fair – will take place in Shandong.
There are more than 31 million hectares worldwide currently exploited ecologically, which represents an increase of five million hectares in a single year. China has registered strong growth with almost three million hectares of pasture certified recently.
About the author
Wow, how interesting that China is now taking efforts in growing in biodiversity. A friend of mine is studying/working in China right now. She lives in the city and says the smog is just intolerable. She sent me a picture of it and it is pretty bad, but I guess it’s quite beautiful out in the countryside.