Published: 03/27/2013 - Updated: 10/06/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes
The artichoke has Arabic origins. It is native to the Mediterranean coast, between regions very close to Sicily, Egypt and the Canary Islands.
According to mythology, it is said that the god Jupiter fell in love with a beautiful blonde woman named Cynara, but when she refused, he, in revenge, transformed her into a Cynara scolymus, or artichoke.
Artichokes belong to the family of the Asteraceae, and gender of Cynaras. They require a warm climate and is a seasonal plant. It grows mainly in calcareous soils.
Learn how to choose a good artichoke
When you go to buy an artichoke, it is important to know how to choose, the most tender, are those that are closed and with tightly packed leaves.
Consuming 2 artichokes steamed or boiled, or even as a tea, can give you all the benefits.
Health benefits of artichoke
Notably, artichokes contain only between 40 and 50 calories and are used in many diets. It is important to consider that it contains:
- Vitamins A, B6, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carbohydrates, protein, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
- Carbohydrates that are converted into sugar naturally, i.e. energy.
- It is also useful to counter digestive and metabolic problems, has purifying action, and regulates the intestine, strengthening the immune system.
- It is considered useful for headaches
- Being a rich source of fiber, it can help lower cholesterol levels
- It is diuretic
- Helps detoxify the body
- And it's restorative
Healing properties
While the artichoke has nutritional characteristics to be considered good in the diet, it also has healing properties as follows:
- It helps eliminate urine and bile production.
- The extract of the flower heads and the root is beneficial for lowering cholesterol and against atherosclerosis
- Useful for liver failure, dyspepsia and albuminuria
- The artichoke soup (prepared with carrots, onion and lemon juice) helps sufferers of inflammation and irritation of the prostate and ureters.
- It helps eliminate uric acid so it is recommended for people who suffer from gout, arthritis and grit
- The fresh juice of the leaves and stems of artichoke help treat jaundice and dropsy
- The artichoke with lemon juice purifies the blood and fights anemia, diabetes and liver disease.
- To reduce gallbladder stones, 4 tablespoons daily of chopped artichoke leaves in a quart of water are recommended.
To lose weight
In recent years, we have exploited the natural compounds of artichoke to lose and control the weight, you can take advantage of the following form:
- 2 kilos of artichokes
- ½ liter of virgin olive oil
- 2 liters of water
- 4 lemons and salt
How to prepare:
- Clean the artichokes until you have only the heart and smear with a little lemon juice to prevent oxidation.
- In a pot with water, salt, and the juice of two lemons, and olive oil, pour artichokes. Left in the fire until they are tender.
- Serve in a bowl, sprinkled with a little olive oil, enjoy them as part of your meal, and you'll notice the difference.
Always bear in mind that obesity is not just one disease, but a symptom that something is out of balance in your body, consult a professional who can show you the right way to lose weight.
Artichokes, as infusions and other diet supplements are useful as long as you combine with a healthy, balanced diet and adequate exercise.
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