Published: 11/06/2006 - Updated: 04/24/2019
The Department of Education of the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives in Castilla-La Mancha (UCAM) develops the next week a comprehensive training activity in the province of Cuenca with courses on "Organic Agriculture" and "Modernization of wine Farms', which was developed in the villages of Fuente de Pedro Mira and Naharro respectively. In particular, the first one will start Monday and end on 22th of the same on month, and the second will begin today and end on November 10th.
In the course of 'organic', which has been organized in collaboration with the cooperative Mira, San Antonio Abad, UCAM intended it for farmers and partners in the area to give them the skills required by the Ministry of Agriculture to farmers who want to register their farms as organic. Furthermore it is intended that participants use the organic agriculture as an alternative to traditional agriculture, to diversify production cooperatives, and raise awareness of the importance of the environment and the need to ensure food safety for consumers.
The Modernization of vineyards is designed to bring production to market demand, raise awareness of the factors that influence the optimum development of vine cultivation and optimize the use of PPPs to more frequent use to contribute to sustainable production of food.
About the author
I assisted once to one course speaking about the importance of these new methods, I am not a farmer or something like that but I am a worried mother and family holder that needs a change in the world for her family, and getting information in the first step to this
Excellent news, I would like to see even more courses opening up around the country though. It seems like there’s such a limited selection of course work that can be taken to officially educate oneself in organic agriculture and food production, I would have thought there would be more.