Published: 03/24/2006 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Spaniards take food with lots fat and not so many vegetables, fruit and fish. Women make more diets than men diets.
The Spaniard diet had barely changed in the past 30 years. This shows the National Nutrition Survey, the first report on this subject prepared by the Center for Nutrition. According to this study which was conducted among 2500 adults, the diet of the people is clearly improved.
The survey concludes that the Spaniard has little time for eating or cooking, eats fast food and fat, but eat few vegetables, fruit and fish. Furthermore, warns of poor nutrition in older people. In this sense, indicates that older people "avoid dairy products, drink skim milk, increase the dose of sugar and reduce the amount of fruit and vegetables."
For breakfast, Spaniards-especially women-drink coffee or milk, with sugar or saccharin, and make toast, biscuits or rolls. In the main meal, most foods are meat-beef, chicken and pork, salads, legumes, vegetables and fish, especially blue. For dessert, fruit and water.
The daily diet is less frequent in eggs, pasta and sausages, as well as junk food, which does not appear in the replies. Despite the pressing work, the majority of Spaniards, 78%, said eating at home-based home-cooked meal.
Dinner is lighter than the intake noon. Salad, fish, hake, whiting and sole, sausages, cured ham or cooked sausage, eggs and French-Spanish omelet and meat chicken, pork and beef, cheese and vegetables in general, green beans. The most common dessert is fruit, but also highlights the yoghurt.
Classes and genders
Depending on the gender, there are significant differences. Women do more diets, eat more often to the griddle and use skim milk, saccharin, grains, dairy, vegetables and fruits. Men eat more sugar, muffins and cereals, but also eat more potatoes, fried foods, wine, sausages and bread.
For their part, people with high-economic level usually breakfast with juice. Also, take a lot of salad. The low-class has more pulses (especially chickpeas), well fried and often resorts to the food industry, such as soups or purees. Those living alone are demanding more soluble coffee, take more vegetables, fruit, sweets and wine.
Source: Consumer.es
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