Published: 06/19/2013 - Updated: 11/26/2016
Author: Miriam Reyes
Poor posture, pressure and stress can provoke muscular spasms or contractions: A discomfort that has become very common nowadays. However this painful symptom can be healed naturally and here we will tell you how.
Medicinal plants have properties that make them effective when coping with muscle contractions. They can used both externally or internally. For internal use, usually they are drank in infusions, such as the following:
Valerian Infusion: Place a handful of valerian in a little boiling water, let brew and drink. It soothes sore back muscle, lumbar or cervical contractions, mainly those who are caused by stress.
Infusion of meadowsweet, willow and devil's claw: In a cup of water, add a tablespoon of the mixture of three equal parts of these plants. Boil, let brew for 5 minutes and drink. It is useful for relieving pain.
Plants that can be applied for external use are as follows:
Arnica alcohol: 250 grams of fresh arnica flowers, adding 250ml of 70° alcohol. Place in a dark glass bottle and store for two weeks. Press and filter. Apply gently on the affected area to reduce inflammation and pain.
Rosemary and thyme ointment: Add two tablespoons of each herb in 1½ cups of water. Boil and let stand for a minute. Strain and mix with green or red clay until mixture is smooth. While it is still warm (not burning), apply on the affected area. Let it release its effects for upto 20 minutes and remove.
Application of heat and cold
Application of heat has analgesic and anti-spasmodic properties that relax muscles and relieve pain. Sit or lie down so that you are comfortable and apply heat compresses or a heating pad, taking care not to burn yourself.
Applying cold can be equally useful to decongest the contracted area, after applying cold, apply heat.
Some scents can naturally help treat muscle contractions. Oils like ginger, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, eucalyptus, juniper, mint or verbena can relax, relieve tension and pain caused by muscle contractions.
If essential oils are mixed with arnica or sesame, they can be used to massage the painful area too.
Yoga and Tai Chi are two disciplines that are very beneficial in treating muscle contractions and help correct poor posture, which most likely will lead to causing pain. Stretching exercises to strengthen the back and neck are excellent for preventing and treating muscle contractions, so try to find a trainer who can help you and practice yoga or tai chi, without running the risk of injury.
Massage with Chinese spheres
The Chinese spheres are enameled metal balls which are used for massaging. These spheres should not hit each other or fall, so it is recommended to perform the massage on a padded surface. Furthermore, they can be used to produce a rubbing sound that is quite relaxing and contributes to treating muscle contractions.
- Take one of the spheres with your left hand and make it rotate in your cupped right hand in a clockwise direction. Then change hands and this time turn it counterclockwise.
- Take the spheres and pass them through the scalp, going down through your neck and your temples. Listen to the sound they make and try to relax.
- Cross your arms over you and massage the trapezius and neck with a ball in each hand. Take the balls from the base of the ears to the end of the shoulders and back.
- Finally, massage the soles of your feet, as well as the sides and instep.
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