Published: 05/07/2011 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Depression is one of the most common ailments today. The person is isolated, loses concentration, and feels tired and unmotivated, feeling blue and wanting to mourn. In severe cases, has thoughts of suicide or attempts. In the last situation, there is always recourse to medication.
In Oriental medicine, depression is part of the "diseases of the spirit". The depressed person moves away from the emotional "core" thus losing touch with the capabilities and creative responses. The challenge is to reconnect with the self being.
In Artesanador, we have experience in treating depression. In principle, we always use a combination of acupuncture and pranic therapy. We can add psychological therapy and homeopathy.
We have obtained very good results with many of our patients by helping them overcome depression, in many cases avoiding the use of antidepressants or helping them out faster than medication.
A healing embrace.
Av Larco 724 – 6th floor
447-1454 / 445-3712
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