Published: 07/07/2006 - Updated: 02/04/2018
Author: Casa Taller Saluz
WORKSHOP HOUSE SALUZ, is located 20 km. Vitoria, in Villanueva nozzle in the County of Treviño, with a forest of oaks, with spring water, organic food and offer guarantees to strengthen the spirit, true healing and life.
Javier and Noah will present their project, based on the development of disciplines to reveal the light of being, from the first link in the human need: food.
And that is when man turns to the principles of eating human tradition, not just your body responds, but view is beginning to Awaken. The excesses are eliminated. Equilibrium returns. Human sees and understands the origin of the universe, the harmony with nature, to finish in the invisible world of vibration and the perception of the spirit that creates and sustains everything. Thus reaches the challenge of integrating the two complementary and opposing forces in Unit…
From a harmonious integration of the Kabbalah, the Macrobiotic, anthroposophy… and grace under increasingly clear perception of a unitary, we cherish the birth of a new dimension, where time and space to commune with the alertness and attention to this. All this in a family atmosphere.
Courses and workshops
The courses and workshops will be Macrobiotic food (Food Energy adapted to our environment) Prices include weekend and stay.
In July, August and September the House-Workshop offers "Healing and Rest"
If you want or need 15 days, maybe a week or a month of cleansing, fasting or diet therapy please call and reserve your room. Having experienced a personal crisis or simply a phase or emotional stress makes these retreats appropriate and even necessary.
Here you can enjoy a healthy, clean energy and food, rides in a landscape of forest where the vegetation is native and primitive, especially to a pleasantly familiar to facilitate dialogue and listen to your work, garnish with a silence that invites the rest to meditation and Introspection, all ingredients necessary to consciously assume the responsibility and authority for what happens in our day to day.
Custom Consultations
SALUZ House also offers a consultation service of diet and lifestyle, having sex, family constellation, age or stage, Biographical constitution or functional deficiencies, Etc. Valuing foremost cosmic nutrition in general and food in particular.
Call 945 40 30 85 or 657 72 43 15 and find out more!
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