Published: 09/25/2009 - Updated: 02/14/2018
Author: Jorgelina Reyente
Wesen is born under this concept, space for the Learn and Grow, a work philosophy based on clarity, distinction, Informative Rigor and criticism. A place that offers workshops, courses and seminars related to alternative medicine and natural therapies.
Center Philosophy
From Wesen we approach, sincere and personal, in many areas that can help us in our personal development, self, culture and intellectual stimulation, and in the search for balance and harmony.
Clearly and accurately set out our issues and encourages people to continue learning and reflection, as no knowledge is closed or completed, there are always opinions, thoughts, new books that come to market, articles, reports and other documentary material and creatively about current, science, art, etc..
Wesen is also an area devoted to the development and study of ancient knowledge and techniques that have reached our days, from different cultures, some of them remained long hidden in places and in very small and privileged circles. We found a clear example in Reiki Therapy, hidden for centuries in ancient Buddhist texts and rediscovered thanks to the perseverance and dedication of a few people, today, Reiki Therapy is known for a large segment of society worldwide.
Another example is the art of numerology, apparently derived from the Kabbalah and today is known and practiced for the benefit of people. We have the polyhedra and the golden ratio, collecting documents inherited from ancient Greece; fields that are current, and many other issues on the talk in the circles of Natural Therapies and Alternatives, scientific and parascientists, intellectual, artistic, among others.
As for modern science, quantum physics, talks about the contingency of nature to be understood in probabilistic terms, or modern astronomy and cosmology, offering us more data than ever about the universe and simultaneously raise more questions than ever; this modern science is not inaccessible to Wesen, which also incorporates its Outreach program, without dogmas, damage or collisions with other disciplines, only objectivity, intellectual interest, rigor and accessibility information.
Wesen are covered in the field of Vibrational Therapies, Natural Therapies, Beauty and Wellness, Creativity, Personal Growth, Modern Science, Art and Culture. These seminars, workshops, information days, are aimed at people with curiosity, desire to learn and know disparate subjects and always interesting.
Wesen Courses
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALShiatsu or Japanese Massage
Ear acupuncture is a system of diagnosis and treatment at a time. Similar to the popular Reflexology in the ear are a complete mapping of reflex points throughout the body. Stimulating these points, ear acupuncture acts on the nerve centers of the brain through the so-called short-haul reflex pathways, thus resulting particularly effective in cases of various pains.
The simplicity of this technique is a great advantage, especially for all those not specializing in Traditional Chinese therapy, treating people as it allows a safe and effective way.
Gem and Crystal:
Seminar devoted to the energy review of semiprecious stones and minerals with healing purposes, in this Vibrational Therapy, people is located near the various pieces (mineral, semi-precious gems) so that their natural vibration helps harmonize, relax and provide comfort by their presence or also placed in jewelry.
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALRice: Intestinal Regulatory, Cardiovascular Health, Cancer Prevention and more
This seminar will teach about the energy structure of the human being in a theoretical journey through the various chakras and auric layers, all in relation to different stones and colors.
We cover the different types of minerals commonly used in quality Crystal Healing, explores many of them in terms of color, origin, composition and healing and evolving applications as well as their compatibility and use with other therapies and techniques such as Reiki or Meditation. At the end of the course are given a certificate of attendance if they have completed the course hours.
Zonal Acupuncture is a relatively simple technique, learning does not require knowledge of Acupuncture, is interesting for many cases of therapists and pain.
The nature of this technique is linked to the theory of microsystems. In this case, the puncture areas are located at the wrists and ankles, are for imaginary bands that divide the body, covering all types of organs and body systems contained in these areas.
Puncture technique, provided adequately and painlessly, is special and particular to this case, being a simple application technique, useful in a variety of cases and rapid results.
Mandalas, Yantras & Art Mandala: This workshop is highly practical and minimally theoretical and experiential, in which each person draws the Mandalas and Yantras desired, a structure of shapes and colors in one form or another is organized around a point central, following certain symmetries or not.
By this art, people of any age manage to extract an expression from inside, so warm and sincere, always acceptable regardless of the possible (though not necessary) later artistic value.
This workshop is a place of calm, harmony and self-awareness where, if we wish, we can compare and explore what we suggest mandalas own and others.
Quantum Physics:
This is a workshop for people with a special interest in quantum physics from a point of view serious and instructive, without going into complex mathematical formula gives an overview and rigorous quantum science, its implications and its presence in our lives.
In this seminar, we enter the quantum reality of things going over the highlights of their extensive development by physics.
We will focus initially on the study of atom, its structure and behavior. Waves and also its variety, the dual nature of matter, energy-matter, the principles of uncertainty and elementary particles among other things, phenomena and theories.
Other Classes:
- Introduction to Massage
- Ayurveda Massage
- Metamorphic Technique
- Reiki
- Reiki Master
- Polyhedra
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