Published: 05/08/2014 - Updated: 07/07/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Do you have neck pain? Does it hurt to turn your head? Do you feel tense in your shoulder and upper back muscles, hindering movement? The vertebrae that form the structure of the neck are called cervical vertebra, and the maintenance and good health of these vertebrae depends on many factors.
Stiff or sore neck and difficulty in movement
Having a sore or stiff neck can be quite painful. Usually the muscles will feel tight and you may have problems when moving the head from side to side. The structures of the neck are accounted for within the vertebrae, but there arealso muscles, nerves and intervertebral discs which may cause pain.
Some symptoms include:
- Inflexibility in the neck and pain when moving it.
- Tingling in the hands or arms when the cervical nerves are implicated.
- Stiffness in the neck area and muscle tightness.
- Painful muscle tightening
- Tension in the neck, shoulder or upper back area.
- Headaches
- A feeling of heaviness.
- Unexplained tiredness.
Here are some common causes of neck pain or vertebral problems:
- Muscle tension due to stresses, shocks, etc.
- Poor posture when walking, bending sharply, watching television or being in an awkward or bad position for a long period of time.
- Poor posture when sleeping.
- Sitting with a hunched back.
- Straining the neck muscles when doing any activity.
- Accidents that can cause fractures or tears in this area, blood vessel injury, and even paralysis.
- Injuries and violent shocks that Injuries, violent shocks that include sudden and unexpected movements of the neck.
- Arthritis and other disorders of the skeletal system.
- Hernias, sprains, tumors, osteoporosis and spinal infections.
- Nervous tension due to emotional build-ups: Some possible reasons for emotional build-ups centred in the neck area could be that the person in question is very dominant in his or her way of seeing life, his/her views are fixed and other ways of seeing things or solving problems are not valued by them. This could also mean intense stubbornness, excessive controlling tendencies, little flexibility when assessing situations and fear of facing things outwith their comfort zone.
Natural Treatments
Rest: In any case, it is recommended that you maintain a good pattern of rest and avoid excessive movements in the shoulders and neck, which will only worsen the problem. Resting should also entail avoiding any sudden or sharp movements of the neck, ideally keeping it in a fixed posture, especially in the case of muscular tears, fractured bones, sprains or hernias. If you have had cervical surgery, it is very important to rest.
Diet: Your diet should consist of a good supply of digestive enzymes and minerals so that the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments can repair themselves. Try to take one tablespoon of magnesium chloride daily, and attempt to include the following in your daily food intake: a fresh vegetable juice with aloe, celery and carrot which all aid in the regeneration of cells and tissue, chia, fish, two tablespoons of extra virgin olive if fasting and tea with lemon juice. Natural gelatin, almond milk and spirulina are also good additions.
Reflection and points of view: It is important that you incorporate a period of reflective thoughts each day, taking into consideration whether or not you have controlling tendencies over yourself or others, or if perhaps you are a little overbearing or demanding, as the body reflects our attitudes clearly and obviously. I thoroughly recommend you to read the book “You can heal your life” which may help you to gain new understandings in order to heal your body.
Soft Workout: After at least two or three months of rest, depending on the injury, it is important that you begin to exercise your neck very gently so that it returns to its normal level of flexibility. If you can, try moving your neck up, down and side to side, slowly stretching the muscles and tendons.
Gentle massage: Ask someone to give you a gentle massage on the areas where your muscles feel tense. Hydrotherapy is another good solution for a stiff or sore neck.
Acupuncture and digitpuncture alternatives are used to help the body release tension and troubleshoot neck pain. Try to avoid using high cushions and where possible, use an orthopedic mattress.
If you have pain or swelling, drink ginger tea, infused with Boldo, add chopped fresh ginger and drink. Eating fresh ginger on its own is also a great to stop swelling.
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