Published: 11/26/2008 - Updated: 06/24/2016
The governments of Spain and Portugal make an effort in seeking the importance of organic agriculture. Thus, officials of both countries have developed a "Letter of Intent for the sustainability and development of organic agriculture" which implies the recognition of the two governments to organic agriculture as "strategic sector that connects perfectly with policies environmental management of scarce resources, sustainability and food quality ".
At a meeting in Lisbon, the Minister for the Environment and Rural Affairs and Marino, Elena Espinosa, and Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of Portugal, Jaime Silva, signed the document in order to promote development through coordinated actions that benefit the Iberian Peninsula.
At the meeting, Espinosa and Silva stressed that organic agriculture responds to a demand of modern natural products for consumers. They recognized that the stimulation of transformation of production is an agricultural diversification mode and contributes to the enhancement of food products combining economic viability with ecological and social sustainability. Also the two ministers mentioned the good relations between both countries and traditions they have in common. They concluded that, in terms of production, Spain and Portugal are in very similar living situations. Because the method used in organic agriculture is the ideal for the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the general policy of promoting the quality food and sustainable development of Spain and Portugal developed.
Among the statements of the letter mentions that the two governments are committed to promoting a coordinated a number of initiatives for the protection and promotion of this type of agriculture, with the aim of develop the sector and improve the quality and competitiveness of products in the markets, both domestically and internationally. It also mentions the idea to jointly promote the position of both governments in the EU on the importance of area under organic production, promote the overall development of the primary sector recognizing its specificities, supporting the exchange knowledge and initiatives related to training and research specific to this method of production.
According to Espinosa, "there is a generational change in this sector increasingly work many young people". This follows growth of the sector in Spain: in the past year has moved from eighth to sixth place in the farming world and ranks as the second country in Europe, with a million hectares devoted to organic agriculture.
Given the scenario of global economic crisis and known by all, it raises the question of how it will affect this sector. This is compounded by the economic crisis in particular Spain, with its very high prices. In this context the Minister acknowledged that Espinosa "in a situation such as we are today in Spain there is an increase in consumption of white markings, but we cannot sit here, you have to think of the future in perspective". And adds: "The economic situation is going to happen and is a sector that has a future", he stressed, before specifying that there are many mature markets that are demanding these products, as the central and northern Europe, United States or Canada.
Source: Europe Press /
About the author
This is really interestin, I’ve already considered Spain to be a fairly advanced country when it comes to organic agriculture, but it’s cool to hear how much they’re trying to improve things. If only the United States could take a page out of their book…