Published: 07/31/2009 - Updated: 11/29/2017
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
In 1895, the Boston Post newspaper published the following commentary referring to the idea of the phone: "A well-informed person knows it is impossible to transmit the human voice by wire, and this has no practical value." A few centuries later, the phrase did not simply shut the mouths of some, but it transcended and now seems ridiculous.
Just as this sentence, we can found countless claims of those who thought that "there was no solution or remedy" or that "it was impossible to so something" during human history, thoughts that thanks to time and open minds (genious) were commissioned to transcend.
"Everything that can be invented has already been invented," "Excuse me, Walt Disney, we are firing you because you do not have imagination." "It is impossible that man could ever use nuclear power" "Why spending your efforts to create something better If this works nice"" Do not try that remedy, if this works more or less "and so on.
Many times our mind can be a wonderful weapon against us as being full of information (often prejudiced), often with powerful influence of ways of seeing things and acting in some way let us keep in vicious circles that continue creating the same results in our lives, away from the "absurd" idea to test, experiment and try new ways of thinking and doing things.
About the opening of the mind
We all have the ability to be geniuses, the mind does not discriminate, it is a tool that can be loaded with certain information, like a computer operates and responds according to how the program will learn to exercise and to connect with a powerful thinking and an intention. Believing that something cannot transcend or be innovative in some way (great), make you agree to be under the present conditions and, in some way, accept that you will stay with the same results or similar results accepting the average.
Certainly, opening mind and beginning to understand and develop something requires study, but above all very intent, patience and a willingness to do so. However, we can start practicing with small things in our lives, sometimes we believe that simple is frustrating and unattractive, but many tasks that seem minor are those that are giving rise to the mind from surprising developing. There was a film called Karate Kid, where the master of Karate taught his disciple to become a master of this martial art. The wise coach put his disciple strange tasks like washing and painting walls, washing and waxing cars, removing litter and prune the garden, and others. The disciple became desperate finding meaning in everything and wanted to leave, the teacher never stopped him, maybe this was what inspired him with more confidence to stay. Somehow there was something that he did not see or understand well, but he could imagine.
I do not want you to become an expert in karate, but if you're really ready to start making your life a renewed sense, or you simply are interested in developing your mental powers, you can start with these two practical exercises. If you think you are useless or render slack, or look for excuses to not feel so bad for not having been able to perform, it is likely that this is influencing your mind on your will, let's say that your mind leads to yourself ", instead of you leading it.
So, first of all, you must have a lot of desire and curiosity to see for yourself that your mind is really a powerful tool with which you can make things really great.
The first exercise is to begin to stop criticizing what is around you, avoid saying that something is "good or bad". This is important because every time we criticize, judge or gossip, you unwind and let your philosophy as an argument or opinion, but you seem very funny or entertaining all you do is as simple for yourself as well. No matter how right you may be or not, if you let all the time to speak your argument is the same as being influenced. We must start by having the "first response" to the things and experiences, and monitor them.
Enhance of will
The second step is to try to keep your thoughts in a constant state of positivity. Emmet Fox created and made famous the Mental Diet for 7 days, which was thought to maintain calm, enthusiastic and fair for 7 days. If these days fall into a provocation as hatred, frustration, criticism, gossip, etc., you had to start exercising again. One could, for the diet, feel anger, resistance, depression, distress, anxiety or any other emotion of disharmony, but what was not allowed was to get carried away by the emotion. Emmet Fox said that this was one of the most powerful and difficult tasks that a man might take, because the mind is the most difficult to master.
Remember, when undertaking these exercises, get a lot of patience, do not criticize yourself, try to understand that the mind certainly is usually a wild horse to ride. These exercises are certainly very effective for these resistors to go away in your mind to accept new things, experiences and great ideas.
About the author
I?m interested in hearing more about this guy Emmet Fox and his theory of the mind, since I believe that the will can bring a lot of good things as well as the lack of will can bring pain and bad experiences, so people should underestimate the power of the mind and they just survive instead of enjoying.
Interesting. I’ve never heard of Emmet Fox, but I’ll do some more research. I totally agree that the mind is the most difficult of things to master. And you don’t TRULY begin to understand this until you pause and take time to WATCH the mind…then you realize how out of control it is. Or rather, how in control of you it is.