Traditional Chinese medicine for pregnancy and childbirth

Published: 04/19/2010 - Updated: 03/20/2017

Among the proposed treatments of traditional Chinese medicine, we can not fail to mention the methodology for pregnant women. In fact, both the full-term birth as the moment itself can no longer be a painful moment.

The idea is to use one or a combination of techniques: here we will discuss the disorders that are frequently treated with different practices.


Chinese herbal medicine can relieve both during the pregnancy such as vaginal bleeding after the intraquilidad the fetus, fetal growth retardation, anxiety, edema, vertigo and dizziness, seizures related to pregnancy, persistent cough, urinary tract infections and anuria.


To correct the fetal position during the last trimester of pregnancy is very effective moxibustion (a procedure by which the moxa, an herbal medicine, applies burning near a specific point in acupuncture). The point lies on the outer side of the little fingers of the feet, near the corner of the nail. It uses a moxa cigar about 33 cm long and 13 cm in diameter. Moderate moxibustion is applied with a cigarette in the two little fingers and an appropriate distance so that the temperature is maintained at approximately 40 º C (it zooms in and out alternately to avoid the burn moxa). 20 minutes on every finger and every day. On the ninth day, three days rest and if it still has not corrected the position is performed again for 9 days. Moxibustion at this point no negative effects or the mother or the fetus. Moxibustion can also be applied in the form of cones of moxibustion.


Experts from the WHO indicate that acupuncture relieves nausea during pregnancy. Acupuncture also improves the appearance of stretch marks even possible cure. According to the Institute for Health of Women and Children of Goteborg also acupuncture relieves pelvic pain during pregnancy.

Acupuncture is used in the work of prepartum to soften the cervix and make the process less traumatic. Addition does not interfere with uterine contractions, nor the mechanisms that are triggered in the body during childbirth.

Some studies find that acupuncture treatment performed during labor does not cause any adverse effects resulting from acupuncture.
Acupuncture is useful for blocking the channels of transmission of pain. According to various studies (USA, Sweden, Norway, United Kingdom), women receiving the therapy they require less amount of drugs against the pain of childbirth and are more relaxed.


Although electroacupuncture (electrical stimulation of acupuncture needles) is best known as an analgesic in other disorders, is also effective to alleviate pain during childbirth, acting as an analgesic. Even can be used as anesthesia in cesarean section, thus avoiding the side effects of anesthesia itself. Acupuncture anesthesia Electroacupuncture is safe and stimulates rapid recovery.

It is performed as follows: after the needles are inserted and the feeling has been obtained by manipulation manual acupuncture, needles are connected with electro-apparatus. The output of the electrode is connected with the handle of the needle and then regulates the frequency and intensity as needed. The stimulus intensity is adjusted according to patient tolerance. As acupuncture anesthesia requires a strong stimulus should be increased stimulus intensity gradually until the maximum tolerated. Acupuncture anesthesia is considered by WHO as one of 5 major achievements of scientific research conducted by the MTC.

Characteristics of acupuncture anesthesia:

  • Is certain to be the principal means of acupuncture stimulation of acupuncture anesthesia available does not impair the functions of the organs.
  • It helps to carry out the intervention: to keep the patient conscious and lucid state, you can maintain a close working relationship with the surgical staff, facilitating the progress of the intervention.
  • Little interference with physiological functions: the stimulation of acupuncture points has a regulating effect on each of the functions of the body, therefore, not only does not interfere with physiological functions but also has a regulatory function to the possible malfunctioning caused by physiological intervention. Acupuncture and homeostasis exerts a beneficial effect on the body, thereby promoting the recovery of tissues and activating the coping mechanisms to infections.
  • Simplicity in its practice: the tools necessary for the practice of acupuncture anesthesia is very simple, can be done also in situations where drugs are not available anesthetics

Acupuncture anesthesia is commonly used in China in cesarean section in which:

  • There is no vascular complications, nervous or psychiatric.
  • When the baby's head has a fixed location and superficial.
  • When there are extensive adhesions in the abdominal cavity.
  • When the operations of the lower uterine segment are not complicated and are short in duration.
  • In Spain, only used in some centers dedicated to natural childbirth. In any case, always check with your OB practitioner.

Source: Escuela Superior de MTC-

About the author
  • Jorgelina Reyente

    Expert in healthy cooking recipes and healthy lifestyle habits. She has a degree in communication sciences from the University of Buenos Aires.  She has completed postgraduate training in social sciences at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris III, France.