Published: 10/21/2007 - Updated: 10/16/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Garlic is an excellent microbicide, disinfectant, decongestant and toning of the pituitary gland, effective on gastric secretion, rich in ironeffective to combat the poison of the bite of vermin and circulatory problems.
Properties and health benefits of garlic
Garlic, crushed or in juice, has a long and interesting list of healing effects for many ailments, including:
- Kidney, Bladder: taking garlic fasting helps in almost all diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
- Lung and respiratory system: has a powerful decongestant, so it is very helpful in cases of colds, sinusitis, cough with phlegm, excess phlegm (caused by high toxicity the body).
- Blood: it purifies the blood circulatory system.
- Arteries: it lowers blood pressure. Purifies, detoxifies and refreshes its circulation.
- Liver: enables optimal functioning of the liver, an organ important for overall health. If the liver does not function well all the organs and body systems are altered and through signals the body tells us. Therefore, if you have bitter mouth in the morning, if you have eye problems or gall, if you are in constant tension or irritability (often you get angry), if your head frequently hurts, could be a problem of bile. You can take a clove of garlic each day with a little lemon juice.
- Digestive System: corrects constipation and disinfects the digestive system of toxins
- Pinworms: one of its therapeutic uses is the best known to eliminate worms and tapeworms. Ideal for this.
- Anemia: ideal for relieving cases of anemia, and strengthens the defenses, because it stimulates gastric juices, it is a good appetizer to arouse hunger.
- Diabetes: to help support diabetes and hormonal balance.
- Herpes and Ezcema: a few drops of garlic juice are indicated in chronic cases of herpes and ezcemas.
- Obesity: fat can actually disappear if you follow a diet which includes leveling dose of garlic.
- Fatigue and nervous system: is a powerful aid in cases of fatigue, exhaustion, melancholy, headache, insomnia and nervous system.
- Uric acid: effective aid against uric acid, attacks it and help alleviate the discomfort of the joints and muscles, so it is indicated in rheumatism and gout cases of sciatica.
- Varicose veins: if you want a powerful aid to fight varicose veins naturally, try the following strategy: take an oil and crushed garlic in a glass of warm water every third day fasting and combine this with 30 minutes a day of any exercise to help you strengthen your legs as cycling, running, dancing. Once a week or two, make a paste or crushed raw garlic with a little olive oil and smear on varicose veins giving a slight massage. Leave the garlic for about 15 minutes, and while waiting, lie your legs and up against gravity and refill on a wall. This strategy includes seeking to avoid eating sausages, and fried products. I assure you that if you do this, in three months you will see how greatly the appearance of your legs improves.
Garlic and beautiful skin
Addition to all previous uses, garlic has an effective curative and beautifying property on skin. Masks of garlic soften the skin and strengthen further to help cell regeneration. Try the following mask once or twice a week at night:
No matter what skin type you have, this mask is effective for any skin type.
Mix in a blender with a slice of papaya, two cloves of garlic and a little honey. Add a spoonful of yogurt, if you feel that this very thick, add a bit of yogurt. Then spread on your skin as if it were cream and allow to stay for half an hour if possible. Rinse with warm water.
This garlic mask is ideal for people who suffer from acne or pimples, and has properties that help to accelerate the course of the maturation of pimples and more.
Eating garlic
In addition to this, garlic has a flavor that makes it a favorite condiment in the international cuisine. We know the flavor is so strong that the garlic may disgust people. However, we can not only can consume it as a form of therapy, but use it in the kitchen for countless dishes. The salad of lettuce, cucumber, some alfalfa sprouts and garlic finely chopped and lightly cooked, seasoned with a little olive oil and sea salt, is a formidable food for preventing and combating many diseases. If you get bothered by the garlic taste in the mouth and cannot get off with nothing, try a lemon piece.
Cavallito, C. J., & Bailey, J. H. (1944). Allicin, the Antibacterial Principle of Allium sativum. I. Isolation, Physical Properties and Antibacterial Action. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 66(11), 1950–1951.
Garlic and Cancer Prevention. National Cancer Institute
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