Published: 03/21/2009 - Updated: 08/15/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
When we talk about sports supplements, many components that we may have ever heard or read about come to our mind, but we do not know what they are good or not…
So in an attempt to clarify certain issues related to nutrition in sport, we will now talk about oil peptides and pre-digested proteins this time.
In principle, it is necessary to clarify that the nitrogen source of oil peptides is intermediate between the intact protein and amino acids. The oil peptides, as its name suggests, are small peptides, i.e., small chains of amino acids linked together by peptide links. They are therefore pre-digested proteins and their advantage over the whole protein is the most easily absorbed and require virtually no digestion. It has even been shown that small peptides can be directly absorbed without hydrolysis, as well as the free amino acids. Therefore, the smaller peptides are the easier absorption.
Peptides are a nitrogen source, ranging from free amino acids and polypeptides. When the group carboxyl group of one amino acid binds to the amino group of another amino acid, eliminates a water molecule, forming a link between the peptide. When two amino acids that bind a form bi-peptide, when joined form a tri-peptide and when they join the many amino acids are formed polypeptides, proteins are polypeptides.
Today there are various products on the market which consist of oil peptides, which means small peptides (two to four joints of amino acids) with a high percentage of free amino acids and the remaining polypeptide chain but relatively short. The advantage of this protein uptake is easier and faster, and requires almost no digestion.
These are presented in tablet form and manner of eating is consumed depends on whether other protein supplements or other contributions of extra protein in your diet. If you consume only oil peptides you can take up to 4 or 5 tablets a day. Otherwise, if you take protein supplements to the other pair, must be reduced to a minimum dose of 2 tablets per day. We could say that as a general rule the more protein you need to consume less oil peptides.
Egg peptides
There are also other products are referred Egg peptides because they come from a hydrolyzate of egg albumin, and its fat is zero. It also comes in tablets, each containing a pure hydrolyzed egg albumin, corresponding to amino acids and pure oil peptides.
Protein pre-digested
Currently, many of the protein concentrates are composed of hydrolyzed proteins, which means that the peptide chains are divided by means of division on the product, and thus the organism ingests pre-digested servings of protein. When, however, solid foods are at a disadvantage, since it is deposited in the digestive system as a stone. The proteins were pre-treated a few minutes after they were taken.
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For their part, liquid protein concentrates are true nutrient liquid. The amount of protein molecules contains much more than that of a solid food. You cannot compare the degree of absorption of a protein drink with a traditional food. All components of chains of amino acids, peptides, divided and are ready to be absorbed quickly. Solid foods need of gastric juices and enzymes to be treated very specific and that do not reach the stomach in liquid form.
After training …
After intensive training, you have emptied the reserves of glycogen in your muscles (glycogen is the main source of energy in skeletal muscle) and are hungry for glucose and amino acids and nutrients that provide these as soon as possible, ideally to start the reconstruction period of the muscle fibers.
However, this is not only about eating protein and carbohydrates. Speaking of bodybuilding can say you can do two things: eat solid proteins or ingest these nutrients in liquid form, which is the best option.
It is important to take into account the origin and quality of the protein. While the chicken, beef or fish need to be eaten cooked, protein powder or tablets need to be little or no heating. This means that the amino acids remain biologically utilizable making it easier for the body into muscle mass.
All this recalls the importance of consuming a supplement-based sports or protein after training.
About the author
I rather prefer consuming only protein in the food itself since you need to make your stomach work, not to harm it but you can just make the easy thing to digest, I think that the stomach needs to be in some point trained too, well that?s my point of, view, I haven?t tried those proteins anyway.
At first I though the article said, pesticides and I said like what??? but then I understood the point of it, well, haven’t tried them so I dunno if they could really help to help better, but probably a person expert in the topic should complete the idea that we are forming
I have never been a supporter of supplements, or using any “supplemental” product. Nature has provided us with all of the right products, at ratios that are properly absorbed, while also providing countless other benefits, like vitamins and minerals.