Published: 03/07/2008 - Updated: 06/29/2016
With almost one million hectares of such crops, 6.7 percent more than in 2006, Spain is one of the first places in the community and world.
Also highlights the growing number of operators, reaching 20,171 compared to 19,211 in 2006, a five per cent, resulting in consolidation of the industry.
Organic agriculture has experienced over the past years a significant growth in both area and number of operators, as is clear from the results presented today in Ourense, the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Elena Espinosa, based on data provided by the competent authorities of the Autonomous Communities.
One of the main indicators of this growth is the number of hectares devoted to organic agriculture which in 2007 amounted to 988,322.67 acres, 6.7 percent more than in 2006, which places Spain on one of the first places in the community and world.
In terms of operators, number 20,171, represents an increase of five percent compared to 19,211 last year. That number includes 18,226 for the primary sector 2061 producers, processors and marketers and 72 importers. 210 operators and other operators, primarily stockists and dealers have also been recorded for the first time. Not repeated in the computation of operators who perform more than one activity.
With regard to the guidelines of organic production in Spain, are the forests and pastures that pose 612,572.32 hectares, the basis for organic livestock.
Within the organic cultivated area include cereals and legumes to 120,592.96 hectares, 12 percent of the total registered, followed by olive groves with 94,250.60 hectares, representing 10 percent of the total. Followed by nuts, with 49,425.76 hectares, five percent and the vine, 17,188.59 acres, with a two per cent. Other cultures are in small area, but its economic fundamental are the citrus and fruit and vegetables and tubers.
In relation to the farm, are the 1384 beef farms in 2007 compared to 1125 farms in 2006, 1329 meat and dairy with 55 head in total 85,598, accounting for 44 percent of organic farms. They come with 720 followed by sheep farms and 217,755 head in 2007, compared with 625 farms in 2006.
Data broken down by type of crop and livestock holdings, types of facilities, etc.. As well as regions and even provinces, are available on the website of the MAPA, Food section.
The total number of industries subject to control in 2007 was 2386, representing almost 10 percent more than the 2174, 2006. Within these industries related to plant production amounted to 1977 compared with 1807, 2006, the 373 being the main industries for handling and packaging of fresh produce, the 327 wineries and bottling of wines and 265 mills and bottle of oil.
Industries related to livestock production reached a total of 409 in 2007, compared to 367 in 2006, increasing more than 11 percent, highlighting the 109 slaughterhouses and cutting plants and 55 industrial milk, cheese and dairy products.
Consumption of organic products
Through the results obtained by the Center of Food Consumption and Distribution of MAPA, has produced a study on the consumption of organic products, which shows that 64.1 per cent of Spaniards have manifested or consume organic products, and also highlights that consuming brings health benefits, its flavor and quality.
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Also, 57.9 percent of respondents stated finding products in their usual place of purchase although the range seems limited. The supermarket is the preferred channel for buying such products.
On the other hand, those who have never eaten organic products so justify, especially in the absence of information on these products when the price is higher and they are products that are not easily found.
However, 75.6 percent of consumers of organic products manifested by the label, that the information reflected is sufficient.
Finally, the knowledge that shows the consumer of organic produce data that is very good, mostly because it relates to environmental conservation and renewal of natural resources, with 82, 8 percent are willing to pay more in exchange for a greater respect for the environment.
About the author
That is a lot of people willing to receive a better quality of products, and the people should look at those numbers and know that the solution is in their hands and if they change the bad habit of consuming and producing even more gm products which are so bad for the whole world
good news for all the consumers of this kind of products! perfect to keep the growth and change the humanity and environment!
This seems to be the trend world-wide, as a lot of people are really starting to wake up to the importance of eating well, and also of the rampant use of chemicals and pesticides for growing our food….which we then consume!! It’s consumer poisoning, and somehow it’s still legal!