Published: 07/06/2007 - Updated: 04/02/2014
Organic sector representatives agreed and introduction of an action to promote organic agriculture, livestock and beekeeping on Saturday June 30th in Almonte (Huelva). Also, a working group composed of various industry players to promote the production, industry and consumption of organic products.
This group is composed by the three convening organizations: Andalusian Association and Committee of Organic Agriculture (CAAE), Spanish Society of Organic Agriculture (SEAE) and the Spanish Federation of Enterprises with Organic products (FEPECO), which are joined with the Association Vida Sana, and Seed Network. This working group will act as interlocutor in the industry.
The International Center for Research and Ecological and Environmental Conventions (CIECEMA) of Almonte hosted this meeting convened by the Association CAAE, and SEAE FEPECO, attended by producers, processors, researchers and government control agencies and private partners from throughout the state.
The working day was used to form a group to represent the whole sector under a framework of actions to be adopted by consensus at the meeting itself. Those attending the meeting agreed on the need for a law to cross state level, similar to that already adopted in Italy and a positive discrimination to boost organic products.
About the author
It’s kind of a good idea to just have a single figurehead representing an organization, then you don’t get the contradictory message, but it’s a good idea that behind that representative, there are several heads that et together to hash things out. More power to organics!