Published: 07/06/2008 - Updated: 11/19/2016
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino has published, through a Ministerial Order, the new rules governing the XXI edition of the “Awards' Food of Spain " 2008, which encompasses 12 different awards, which are seeking acknowledge the work done by professionals and entities in any way involved in the food chain, as well as aspects related to organic agriculture and environmental conservation.
Ministerial Order, which also call for 11 of these awards, represents a revision and updating, reflecting changing trends in the food industry.
Through this new legislation, is to unify the hitherto existing rules of the Awards' Food of Spain, “Spanish Food with Better Business", "Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil" and "Best Spanish Cheeses". It also seeks to enhance these awards so that they acquire a significant importance within the food industry, and society in general.
The Order provides the characteristics of each of the prizes for the Agricultural Production, Food Industry, Distribution and Food Trade, Catering, organic farming, the young entrepreneurs, to women entrepreneurs, the Sector consumer, the Commission for Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Best Spanish Cheese, as well as the objectives of the Special award recipients and Food Spain.
This prize will be awarded to farms or groups of them that operate within the national territory, in the course of its business using agricultural technologies that will advance one sector sustainable and efficient in obtaining quality products that meet consumer demand.
Directed to farms, food companies or groups, whose main office is located within the national territory. The prize will reward the actions of a better way to integrate global issues related to the contribution to biodiversity conservation and the environment, empowerment of rural development and local resources and work on technological innovation, resulting in the obtaining high quality products with the seal of organic production.
This award aims to honor the history and actions of those food groups or food business with its head offices located within the national territory, in a way that better integrate global issues with respect to the environment, empowerment rural development and local resources, tasks and investment in technological innovation and marketing strategies and promotion.
All companies can participate in retail distribution of food including food marketing channels, through the Internet or other channels. The award aims to honor the career and the work performed by establishments in retail food distribution and new marketing channels, both in the domestic market and abroad, to enhance knowledge, presentation and dissemination of our food.
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Directed at honor establishments catering to enhance food and food products in Spain, located in national territory or abroad, to enhance the use, presentation, innovation and good use of our food in restaurants. It also takes into consideration the prominent use of extra virgin olive oil the presence of Spanish and a letter and hold qualified to help promote awareness of quality Spanish wines with a geographical indication.
The young entrepreneurs under the age of 40 years to develop their business as managers of food businesses situated within the national territory. It will reward the work done by young entrepreneurs and for the benefit of an innovative agricultural and food industry, competitive and sustainable.
In this award women may participate in developing their business directives as food business located within the national territory to honor the career of women with their leadership in agriculture and food are a reference for the promotion of job of women.
Directed at honor activities and outreach work of our food, which may involve the efforts of different groups responsible for the household and their associations, schools and other entities related to consumption and nutrition.
This award aims to promote and enhance the image and market position of the extra virgin olive oil and may take part ownership of the makers of approved mills which have their headquarters in Spain.
Addition, states may choose to award the oils in the categories "extra virgin olive oils produced conventionally" and "extra virgin olive oils from organic production."
Spain Food Prize for Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the 2007-2008 campaign will be granted extra virgin olive oil that has achieved the best score on the award governed by the Order of October 18, published in Official Gazette on October 25, laying down the regulations for the award of "Best Extra Virgin Olive Oil”.
This award aims to promote and enhance the image and market position of the cheese. Establishes several categories, native Spanish cheeses, organic cheeses and other cheeses. Moreover, within the category of distinguished local cheeses, fresh cheeses, soft cheeses, cheeses of pressed lamb, cheeses of pressed cow, cheeses pressed of goat, cheeses pressed of mixture of sheep, cow or goat and blue cheeses.
The awards were decided by a jury composed of prestigious professionals in the food industry. The filing may be made until September 24, 2008, and the jury's decision must be issued before November 10, 2008.
About the author
I am SUPER excited to visit Spain! Not only for the sightseeing, the beautiful countryside and people, and the language…but for the FOOD as well!!! My fiance and I are planning our honeymoon next year to Spain (and France), and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of this organic produce, hopefully prepared in some original tapas!!