Published: 06/14/2006 - Updated: 07/22/2016
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
The MAPO, Argentine Movement for Organic Production, Non-Governmental Organization is most important organ of the Argentine Republic.
It brings together all entities, persons, firms or NGOs, which are somehow related to organic production. At this moment represents over 1600 organic producers, certifiers, scientists, technicians, educators, entrepreneurs and marketers. It has organized its activities in 12 areas of work namely: Production, Organic Livestock, Domestic and International Trade, Research and Training, children (MAPITOS), Certification, Organic Supplies, Communication, Legal Affairs
Relations with Institutions, International Relations and the Honorable Council of Ethics
By integrating their representation, it is also known as "House of Houses."
Since its development, MAPO members were who participated, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA), in drafting national standards for organic production of plants and animals. (Res. SAGPyA No. 423/92 and 1286/93 respectively). In 1996 together with the SAGPyA, it developed the National Program for the Development of Organic Production in Argentina. (PRONAA). MAPO who was advised to parliament for the drafting of the current law National Organic Production Act 25127 (Enacted in 1999).
In partnership with other entities, the MAPO organized and continues to organize the presence of organic producers in several international exhibitions such as Bio Fach (Germany), Anaheim and Baltimore (USA), Bio Fair (Costa Rica) Bio Fair (Philippines), Foodex (Japan) and SIAL Mercosur.
In 1998, it made the Twelfth Scientific Conference of IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements), which was held in Mar del Plata with the assistance of more than 600 people from some 60 countries. It also conducted the International Seminar "Organics in the Supermarket" with the participation of executives from supermarket chains in Argentina and Europe. In June 2000, it organized the "1st Latin American Conference on Local and Regional Markets", in the City of Buenos Aires with representatives of most Latin American countries. MAPO organized the First National Meeting on Organic Production in San Marcos Sierras, Cordoba Province, with over 550 participants who attended the 34 workshops and keynote speeches.
The MAPO has also developed a close relationship with agriculture organizations worldwide, ranging from small regional farmers to IFOAM, which encompasses almost all organic producers in the world. A member of MAPO is part of the IFOAM Board of Directors and is the current Vice President.
In summary, MAPO is Ecology Action.
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Our objectives
- Promoting organic agriculture production that uses clean technology, sustainable and respectful of biodiversity
- Demonstrating to the community that organic production is linked to the preservation of the environment and improving their quality of life.
- Ensuring the credibility and transparency in the markets.
- Speaking with one voice in defense of the organic movement and its members.
Since its inception, the MAPO has maintained a working dialogue with government agencies related to agriculture, food production and foreign trade.
This joint work has paid off: resolutions production rules, resolutions and laws that regulate the activity, creation of specific committees, etc. Through all this, Argentina is now one of the most advanced countries in the world in the production of organic food.
The MAPO has also developed a close relationship with farming organizations worldwide, ranging from small regional farmers' associations to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).
The International Federation, the MAPO has a representative on the Board of Directors
World l MAPO is organized by Working Areas open to all members.
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List of areas:
- Training and Research Area
- Communication, Press and Broadcasting Area
- Children (MAPITOS)
- Area of International Relations
- Internal Trade Area
- Export Area
- Livestock Area of Economy and Finance
- Institutional Relations Area
- Certification Area
- Production Area
- Regionalizing Area
- Honorable Board of Ethics
Source: MAPO
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