Published: 06/21/2006 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked the food industry of U.S. aid to fight the pandemic of obesity that is ravaging the population, which presents an Annual health care costs around 100,000 million dollars.
FDA has recommended that restaurants voluntarily cut the size of their often huge servings. When they have been asked to put greater emphasis on promoting options low in calories, which multiply in these offers menus and to include detailed information on nutrition and calories in each dish.
Because Americans consume more than one third of their daily calories from food prepared outside the home, including school canteens and companies, according to research funded by the FDA. Thus, the population spends 46% of monthly budget for food at meals, restaurants or establishments of fast food.
The National Restaurant Association, which represents 60,000 businesses and a total of 300,000 establishments in the U.S., has indicated its disagreement with the report of the FDA despite having taken part in its drafting. The association insisted that its members are already implementing some of these recommendations with healthy replacement of foods including ingredients high in fiber.
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