Published: 10/12/2005 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
The cure of Syrup sap and lemon juice is ideal to detoxify the body: it gives the body the ability to recover, to regenerate, to reinvent itself and create antibodies. For the same reason, it is an excellent cure for slimming that can remove fat without side effects as long as the body has no shortage, also obtaining a finer skin and a growing sense of wellness and balance.
"… The two main ingredients for the cure of sap are fresh lemons and syrup sap. The lemon is a fruit known for wide use, to develop-a source of rich minerals and vitamins from our food ".
Its beneficial effect was already known to the medical Arabs, Greeks and Romans as an effective remedy and preventive against disease. Also today it has a very important place in the natural treatments and as a natural antibiotic.
Lemon juice has a particular significance: citric acid base (carbonic acid Tribasic oxidant) which, like agricultural feasible, plays important roles in the body-self. Its function favors the fixation of calcium.
The action of the citric acid allows us, with the metabolism of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, the removal of fat deposits tissue which is derived from a reduction of the weight.
A lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is known as scurvy, a disease identified since the time of the Crusades. The lemon treatment to cure was well known in the eighteenth century.
The vitamin C is essential for the good health of bones, teeth and blood vessels. This vitamin improves the resistance of the body and is very important for a healthy metabolism. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the antioxidant (substance that prevents their decomposition by oxygen in the cells). During the period of curing the daily absorption of lemon juice is more than 80 mg (suggested amount: 75mg/day for an adult) which replenishes the possible lack of vitamin C, and the body is by an active metabolism improved. Each cell can thus get rid of wastes and residues, which is why the patient feels perfectly well and in good physical condition during the cure of sap and lemon.
A more important role has the syrup sap, which comes from the substantial maple tree sap of the northern regions and the sandy palm that grows in the tropics.
"… The cure of sap and lemon does not cause any adverse effects such as fatigue, nervousness, demineralization, etc., which, however, is often the case in other treatments slimming poor in carbohydrates and trace elements. People with good health do not undergo any fatigue, and will retain a good physical fitness and a perfect comfort. The extra energy comes from the reduction in fat deposits.. Moreover, the content of glucose in syrup sap and lemon vitamin C protects the liver. In the liver are carried out numerous vital metabolic reactions. Detoxification of the liver was accelerated by the cure. "
So far we have seen cure of sap and lemon almost exclusively from the standpoint of purification of the body. But experience shows that this has also a depurative effect on the psychic of man and has a positive impact to the general welfare
The spiritual purification
Already the Romans used the term "healthy mind in healthy body” and other well-known proverb says that "man is what he eats".
The concept of macrobiotic, the fed rate is crucial to the character of the person. One day a Japanese asked me if the here in the West people are so cold and aggressive because they eat much meat. It is very clear that the food has something to do with conscience. Historically men, saints and monks have observed periods of fasting, not for losing weight, of course, but to purify themselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Say for example:
Muhammad: "Prayer leads to God, fasting brings us to the threshold of heaven." O Buddha: "As long my flesh disappear, soul becomes brighter, more clear and firm spirit of consciousness." also Jesus spoke of fasting and practicality for those forty days and nights spent in the desert.
The cure of sap and lemon juice is an excellent opportunity to purify not only the body but the mind. The depurative effect of the cure of sap and lemon often increases the ability to concentrate: it does more than compensate for any minor physical weakness, especially in people who have an intellectual work.
At the same time we can see that the mind becomes more receptive and more positive. The cure activates right hemisphere of our brains, creativity and intuitive perception. Other effects are calmness and lightness in the whole being. Many people say they feel like new. Some have been identified too much with the external reality back to discover an inner life.
"Losing excess weight, detoxifying the body and restoring balance are certainly two important results of the cure. But to many psychological effects are almost more important. Just as through the healing begins a new way of eating, one should not underestimate its value, because everywhere in this step has gone hand in hand with the beginning of a new life that is concerned with more pa depth and the inner consciousness of man. "
Fortunately, this trend is increasing nowadays. More and more people remove the prejudice that means all external reality and seek ways to explore paths and consequently the inner world. For this, the art of meditation is an invaluable aid. While most of the techniques that are used today come from the East, these paths are equally feasible and of great benefit to Western man. There are roads that unite in meditation this ancient art with the demands of a life in this western society today. With your help, more people have come to the conclusion that happiness in life and a deep appreciation is not only desirable, but can be real, without the need to flee the world. A central purpose of meditation is the interior balance and spiritual purification of man.
Profound experiences are beginning to be possible only when human beings have been purified. So the internal cleansing is extremely important for a deeper and life satisfaction. Whereas the meditation is a direct path of spiritual purification, as a priest of the sap and lemon juice begins with the body. Now you see that this cure can possibly give more than we had expected! "
Extracted from the book "The cure of sap and lemon juice”
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