Published: 09/07/2010 - Updated: 05/24/2019
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
The color of fruits or vegetables is due to the presence of phytochemicals, which are compounds that besides of containing the pigment, also contain substances to combat degenerative diseases of the human body, in addition to providing beneficial health effects and welfare to human beings. These phytochemicals, which are neither vitamins nor minerals, are also known as phytonutrients.
Phytonutrients and food color
Phytonutrients are compounds in the plant world and are responsible, in addition to give the color to the fruits and vegetables, to give them a taste and smell, protecting them from ultraviolet rays. These substances also help plants to fight bacterial, viral and fungal substances, and allow them to defend themselves and resist the weather and pressures of their environment such as insects, predators, pests, etc.
Antioxidants and Phytochemicals
Unlike vitamins and minerals, phytonutrients have no nutritional value, but have other important functions such as powerful antioxidants that serve as protectors of preventing cellular DNA mutations responsible for diseases such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system diseases, aging, etc. In addition, antioxidant phytonutrients help debug the body of toxic substances and strengthen the immune system.
It is advisable to include five to nine servings of different colors of fruits and vegetables a day. Here is a list of food plants and broken down by color and health benefits.
Orange fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Potassium, p-coumaric acid, flavonoids, beta carotene (precursor of vitamin A), antioxidant, bixin, lutein, quercetin (flavonoid with analgesic, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-ulcer, etc), alpha-carotene, etc.
Benefits of orange vegetables: ideal for the cardiovascular system, powerful tonics, help strengthen demand and eradicate diseases of the skin, protect against cancer and increase the body's defenses, fight allergies and infectious diseases, powerful, inhibit the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins, encourage the production of repairing enzymes and are excellent sources of youth and the general welfare.
Orange vegetables and fruits: oranges, papaya, peaches, carrots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots, orange peppers, mamey, tangerine, passion fruit, nectarine, hawthorn, persimmon, etc.
MORE IN BIOMANANTIALMacrobiotic: Ying and Yang foods and other Basics
Red fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Antioxidants, Flavonoids, potassium, phenolic acid, quercetin, alpha-carotene, beta carotene, chlorogenic acid, etc.
Overall benefits of the red plants: excellent antioxidants that protect DNA, enhance blood circulation, cleanse and eliminate toxic and harmful substances in the body, reduce the formation of cholesterol plaques, and block the formation of dangerous clots.
Red vegetables and fruits: strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, plums, red peppers, pomegranates, tomatoes, cranberries, red pears, red grapes, pink grapefruit, cherries, etc.
Yellow fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Antioxidants, Beta Carotene, Vitamin C, alpha-carotene, phenolic acid, potassium.
General benefits of yellow vegetables: excellent tonics, ideal for cleaning the blood and guts, rich in antioxidants that fight cancer, stimulate the production of white blood cells, strengthen blood vessels, excellent in the healing of wounds and fight infections.
Yellow fruits and vegetables: guavas, myrtle, limes, star fruit, yellow peppers, corn, squash blossom, lemon, mango, pineapple, yellow apples, cashews, yellow plums, quince, yellow papaya, bananas, grapefruit , etc.
Green fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Vitamin C, chlorophyll (excellent debugger blood), potent antioxidants, flavonoids, potassium, selenium, vitamin K, favor the production of repairing enzymes, stimulate the body's defenses, rich in dietary fiber.
Overall benefits of green vegetables: they have large doses of chlorophyll, excellent tonics to help to combat diseases of all kinds, particularly infectious and degenerative diseases, fight allergies, strengthen the immune system and prevent aging.
Green fruits and vegetables: lemon, broccoli, chard, spinach, lettuce, peas, green beans, celery, artichokes, avocado (excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin E), watercress, cilantro, parsley, green peppers, cabbage, kiwi, squash, bean, hibiscus, cactus (aloe), cucumber, green tea, green herbal tea, etc.
White fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Chlorogenic acid, potassium, selenium, flavonoids, isoflavones, antioxidants.
Overall Benefits of white vegetables: Powerful antioxidants, fight infection, purify and strengthen the general defenses throughout the body, encourage the production of protective enzymes, prevent and combat aging, circulatory problems and skin problems, are great for fighting infections and fevers. Protect against cancer, stimulate production of white blood cells and are powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory.
White fruits and vegetables: garlic, onion, mushrooms, soybeans, asparagus, cauliflower, guava, potato, turnip, cabbage, cactus flower, radish, white grape, etc.
Purple, blue or indigo fruits and vegetables:
These fruits are rich in beneficial substances such as:
Niacin, potassium, vitamin C, phenolic acid, flavonoids, antioxidants, betacyanin.
Overall benefits of blue or violet plants: protection from oxidation, vitamins, enzymes and hormones that maintain the balance of blood pressure, favoring the action of repair enzymes, stimulate the production of white blood.
Purple, blue or indigo fruits and vegetables: purple onion, cranberries, beetroot (beet), some berries, eggplant, purple grapes, plums, red cabbage, figs, blackberries, etc.
Proper use of vegetables and fruits
To make better use fruit in the body, you should try to consume on an empty stomach, half an hour before eating something and two hours after you've eaten. Vary your daily diet including mixed vegetables each day. Remember that heat and cooking of food destroy most plant nutrients, so it is necessary to consume raw.
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