Published: 03/23/2008 - Updated: 03/20/2017
The sensory and qualitative assessment has been commissioned to FEPECO and presented in “Alimentaria” 2008. In tasting organic products made by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, wine obtained 75.49 points over 100. This is one of the conclusions presented by ADG Organic Agriculture and Food Quality MAPA, Clemente Mata and the President of the Federation of Ecological Business Products(FEPECO), Francisco Robles in 2008 under Alimentaria.
These data have been obtained in a sensory evaluation and quality of organic products, which have been valued 68 samples of organic wines, which corresponds to 19.43% of the number of brands and marketed as a whole can be placed in the quality of "good wine".
Emphasizes the special category of wines with an average score of 80.80 points.
We evaluated 22 samples also Extra Virgin Olive Oil which corresponds to 10.89% in the number of brands, with a sector average of 66.86 on 100. Located in the average score of all the qualitative scale adopted, one can say that the industry is in the quality of "good oils", even though the tasting was done in late 2007 with the 2006/ 2007 campaign oils.
Fruits and vegetables is complex and involve numerous species which has begun its study with tomato and fresh apple. They have valued 28 samples of organic fruit and vegetables, which corresponds to 2.24% of the total number of brands, with the sector average of 64.96 points studied on a maximum score of 100, and that the scale adopted for the qualitative qualitatively "good." For products, fresh tomatoes had an average score of 67.10 points and qualitative category of "good to very good", and fresh apple had an average score of 63.78 points and qualitative category "good".
In the field of ecological bread samples were assessed eight, which corresponds to 9.41% of total estimated brands, with a sector average of 6.90 points on a maximum score of 10, and a quality level of "good" and very close to "good to very good."
Finally, six samples were evaluated different types of fresh organic meats, without development, corresponding to 16.22% of the total estimated brands in this sector, and with an average score of 7.13 points on a maximum score of 10, corresponding to the quality of "good to very good."
The factors that determine the sensory quality of food are the starting material, the breed or variety and location, it emphasizes the form of plant cultivation or animal husbandry, where appropriate, and how to prepare the food.
Based on the study of samples that have the highest quality ratings within each food sector review, have been identified and defined those areas, both visual phase, such as olfactory and gustatory phase, more powerful and determined that high levels of sensory quality.
The sensory characteristics proposal is for different organic food: wine, olive oil, fruits and vegetables, fresh meat and bread, can serve as references or qualitative goals that help in improving the quality.
These references of quality may be an important factor when evaluating the current processes in the field, as well as the working and processing of organic products in order to make improvements aimed at achieving the highest levels of quality.
In carrying out this analysis of the Spanish Tasters Union has acted as an independent body, of proven international reputation and following the same standards as for conventional products. Thus, the valuation is based on blind tastings of different wines, extra virgin olive oil, fruits and vegetables, bread and meat.
There were a series of recommendations to improve the qualitative assessment of these foods, such as training for producers and processors in sensory tasting to bring products to market, choice of appropriate varieties and assembly them enhance the proper management of the health of the crop, use of systems development and maintenance of the product, not distorting it, and improve the labeling and final presentation of the product, among others.
This initiative represents the first action carried out jointly by MAP FEPECO and following the development of a framework partnership agreement signed in 2006 and following the specific agreement of cooperation signed on February 27, with 100,000 euros.
ADG Quality of Organic Agriculture and Food has set out the background that led to the assessment, highlighting the objective within the Plan of Actions for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture presented in February 2007, aims to enhance awareness and promote consumption of organic products and in which this action is framed.
About the author
I’m not sure if this numerical ranking list for “quality” of food is really that accurate or not. There seem to be a lot of organizations out there that are creating ways of “ranking” foods, but literally, It’s like comparing “apples and oranges”…the ranking system should focus on chemical use and freshness.