Published: 12/27/2008 - Updated: 06/24/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
When elastic fibers in the skin are broken, then stretch marks appear, which are small marks resulting of tearing of the membranes in the dermis. These scars first appear with a color pinkish, then colored in red and finally took a milky hue (white). These are evidence that the fibers of the skin were separated.
Stretch marks are most common on the skin of women with an average quite high (between 60 and 90%), but also occurs in men but to a lesser percentage.
What causes stretch marks?
There are several factors that influence them. When there is increase in the volume of the body the skin is stretched. When the skin is healthy and resilient, it can tolerate stretching even though it's very demanding, and stand for a short time. However, the skin has its limits and stretching reaches deep layers of the skin and is broken, this is evident in the outer layers of the skin.
Pregnancy, which involves a sudden change in weight, is one of the main cause of these unsightly marks considered, nevertheless, this is not the only causes streaking.
Causes of stretch marks
- Pregnancy.
- Increased weight fast.
- Losing weight quickly.
- Dry skin.
- Loss of collagen and elastic in the skin, which can detect if there are wrinkles in the skin, dull skin, dry, wilted, and so on.
- Hormonal changes.
- Inheritance: if in your family there are cases of them, you should consider it likely that there are problems with dry skin or lack of collagen. So you can start to prevent stretch marks with the remedies listed below.
- Health of the skin: a skin and low in minerals and vitamins or poorly cared prone to develop more stretch marks.
Stretching really does not hurt, but sometimes can cause a slight burning sensation, itching or pushing.
Sites of the body where appear:
- Abdomen
- Thighs
- Buttocks
- Bust
- Arms
Preventing stretch marks
In the case of pregnancy, for example, is a bit harder than the other remaining cases. However, if you take certain precautions, you can significantly reduce their appearance. Here are some very practical advices:
Basic tips:
The main thing is to have a very healthy and elastic skin. This is accomplished with a balanced diet where definitely are enough grenetina consumption, essential vitamins for the skin as A, E and C, and essential oils. If your skin is not properly nourished, it will be more prone to this disease. Include in your diet seaweed, blue fish, olives, olive oil cold pressed, brewer's yeast and many fresh vegetables!
Zinc, copper and silicon should not miss in your diet.
Doing exercise: the skin of those who practice the exercise has especially elasticity and is therefore more flexible and resistant to changes in volume. We recommend yoga, gymnastics and ballet.
If you are overweight, the worst thing you can do is to undergo a "quick" diet. Prefer a natural diet (in this magazine you can find many) which also helps with overweight, to purify your body and invigorate your body, your systems and others.
Take plenty of water: a hydrated skin is more resistant to weight gain, especially in pregnancy. The hydrated skin is less prone to stretch marks. Remember that no matter how many creams you get if do not drink water, creams won’t do anything.
Use creams rich in vitamin A and E: If you are pregnant, smear in your belly every time you can, use special oils or creams.
There are many plants that are intended primarily to provide those elements that serve to keep the skin elastic and flexible. Some of them are so effective that stimulate tissue to regenerate the affected tissue. Here are some plants that can use both as a mask to prevent and reduce stretch marks.
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- Ponytail: this plant contains high silicon content, ideal to combat stretch marks, especially those of recent onset. For this you have to make an ointment as follows: in a pan put 100 grams of this plant, 10 drops of lemon and leave in one liter of alcohol at 40 º for about 25 days. Once ready, add a 50% water, then smear the lotion on the affected area after bathing and at night.
- Arnica: the arnica ointment is excellent for preventing stretch marks, especially recommended during pregnancy. Apply the cream on your belly 5 or 6 times a day.
- Grape: making a cream of fresh grapes is ideal for keeping the skin well hydrated. To make a cream, use a cup crushed grapes in a bowl and add two tablespoons of olive oil (the latter contains much vitamin E , so you'll have a very potent cream to moisturize and beautify your skin ). Leave on your skin as long as possible.
Finally, look at the market with calendula creams or oils, wheat germ oil, cream, almond oil, cocoa butter and kariteé.
About the author
So, I actually got stretch marks on my hips when I was growing up, going through puberty, and generally developing. I don’t even have very big hips, I’m still fairly petite, but I had them on my hips. Coincidentally they went away after some time, and I think this had a lot to do with the fact that I started running and cycling.
Tera Wiliams
I think lots of people have had stretch marks its something we as women deal with after a child birth