Published: 05/13/2013 - Updated: 06/17/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G5 Comments
Stretch marks are slight white-ish or reddish scars on the skin or tissues that appear as a result of the tearing of our skin due to rapid weight gain or muscle mass. When muscles grow very fast, which several sportsmen want, muscles suffer from some stretching due to weight gain, which causes them to break certain fibers and causes stretch marks. Pregnant women and obese people on the other hand, also tend to have stretch marks due to rapid weight gain.
Stretch marks frequently and mainly appear on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, which are the places where the muscle is stretched most, but can also appear in the lower back, arms, etc.., especially in cases of obesity.
- Pregnancy
- A careless diet high in saturated fats or refined products
- Sensitive skin predisposed to stretch marks
- Lack of exercise
- Dry skin tissue which is inelastic, malnourished and dehydrated, i.e., when you do not drink enough water
- Common in people who train lifting heavy weights, usually bodybuilders as they tend to increase muscle mass quickly. These athletes often have stretch marks on the pectoral muscles (deltoid-peitoral), which is the muscle that connects with the shoulders. This part of the body is very sensitive to tearing when weight is gained rapidly.
Treatment to fade and prevent stretch marks
- The first thing is to follow a proper diet, high in omega-3 oils, such as olive oil, tuna, salmon, etc. It is important that the skin has an effective elastic capacity to prevent or help repair torn tissues.
- Drinking enough water: Two litres a day will help your skin to be moisturised and prevent drying and "breaking".
- It is important to consider raw or steamed vegetables and they should be included in your daily diet, either by juicing or vegetable salads, as these are full of enzymes and minerals essential for skin health.
- If you are pregnant or training hard, it is important that you apply lubricating creams of shea butter, aloe vera or honey cream to keep your skin well lubricated and avoid tearing.
- If already have stretch marks, you should apply cream or gel daily; snail gel is a great remedy to fade scars on the skin and help make it more firm and resilient. This cream or gel can be applied before training or every day after bathing. If you are pregnant, apply cream or gel especially in the abdomenal region. It is very important that if you apply gel or snail cream on arms or thighs that you do not expose yourself to the sun as this may stain your skin. You can also use this cream on other scars you have on your face, but always ensure to avoid sun exposure afterwards.
- Drink citrus juices while fasting: They are great antioxidants to repair skin. Carrot juice and aloe vera with alfalfa sprouts should not be missing in your daily diet. Drink this combination as a natural medicine to help prevent stretch marks and fade them.
- Avocado is another food that should not be missing in your diet, as it helps skin with a great supply of vitamin E.
- Taking daily supplements of chia, brewer's yeast and spirulina to maintain adequate intake of minerals, vitamins and amino acids is recommended.
- Silicon is a mineral that binds to cells that form the tissues of the skin, as a natural cell glue. If you have low levels of silicon, these bonds can be torn or broken, so silicon will regenerate collagen fibers. Collagen and silicon supplements are highly recommended, but never use them instead of natural food supplements.
- Do exercise: Yoga and stretching exercises, as well as swimming and gymnastics can help your skin tissues to be firm and strong at all times.
- Another remedy to fade stretch marks is pearl cream, which helps the skin to fade scars. Apply this remedy at night.
- Eating raw garlic is a great remedy for skin to keep it young and healthy and prevent and help repair scars and stretch marks.
About the author
I have noticed some stretch marks on my legs that I didn?t use to have and that awful! I want to disappear them now before the problems gets worst! Well, a friend of mine recommended me using snail cream for marks but I wasn?t sure if that was ok, thanks for confirming that!
I have noticed that i have stretch marks after giving birth in 2008, so they stress me so much that i only wear trousers and long dresses. now i bought snail gel clay but can not find proper instruction on using it. will it help? am eager to remove them completely. thanx in advance.
So, I actually got stretch marks on my hips when I was going through puberty, and growing very quickly. I have very small hips anyway, but apparently my growth was fast enough to stretch the skin and leave marks on it. I was working about it for a while, but they actually just went away with time.
One of the things that can help prevent the appearance of stretch marks is to drink enough water, about 2 liters a day which will keep your skin moisturized.
A good article with lots of interesting and helpful tips for safe and natural remedies to fade and eventually get rid of stretch marks. I would like to ask a question: Can anybody confirm what “pearl cream” is exactly? I’ve never heard of it before and have never seen it for sale in any shop. Thanks in advance for the information