Published: 09/26/2012 - Updated: 04/25/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
Steroids are substances that have different functions in the human body, and thery are also used for health. Its main use for health care is to reduce inflammation and other symptoms of illness.
Applications in pharmacology
Steroids are used as an ingredient in inhalers for people with asthma; local steroid injections are useful in the treatment of pain in the joints and ligaments. Steroid creams are widely used to treat eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions. Steroids cause the immune system to act less active, which can be useful in diseases in which there is an immune component.
However, the use of steroids as a drug is limited by serious side effects in the body. That's why steroids tend to minimal in local preparations such as inhalers and creams, and they ensure the maximum steroid dose where is necessary.
Side Effects
Steroid creams, for example, cause thinning and weakening of the skin, while steroids as treatment may cause leakage of calcium from the bones; they get weak and break spontaneously. Steroids also make you feel very hungry and blood sugar increases. People using a steroid-based treatment can often gain weight and develop a characteristic "moon face", in addition they may develop diabetes.
People who take high doses of steroids for medical reasons can die from lung infections and cancers of all types. People with high dose of steroids, are immune deficient in every way for many organisms that rarely cause problems in optimal conditions.
Steroid can affect mood, as it has effects on our brain. So steroids are actually a wide range of actions that produce dramatic effects ranging from pain relief to the elevation of mood, and there weren’t side effect, they would be used more often.
The body becomes steroid dependent when they are used in health care, most doctors should reduce the dose gradually.
Steroids to increase muscle mass
So, why would a perfectly healthy person want to take steroids? The reason is that a particular type, anabolic steroids, has another side effect that serves to stimulate muscle growth. Unfortunately for sports enthusiasts, this effect only works well if the level of steroids in the whole body is quite high, and ensuring problems with side effects.
Taking steroids does not increase muscle mass without exercise, but the normal response to exercise is exaggerated, so ultimately, it will help you gain muscle mass.
The most common problems presented by people who abuse of anabolic steroids include: liver tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellow skin of liver failure), fluid retention, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes, increase bad cholesterol in blood cancer, kidney cancer, acne, and trembling.
Men can find their testicles shrink, sperm count decreases and therefore there is an increase of infertility, the hair falls out, the breasts start to develop and prostate cancer may appear. More than half of steroid users that wanted to shape their body typically acquire enlarged breasts and reduced male organs.
Women can experiment male characteristics such as beards growing, deepening of the voice, and possible changes in the menstrual cycle or stops, and the clitoris enlarges.
Steroid abuse is particularly risky for teens because it forces the body to quickly reach adulthood, the bones stop growing permanently.
So now that you know all the side effects, do you think it really worth it? Instead of using these substances, it is best to be patient, eating a proper diet, and doing proper exercise.
Steroid abuse is particularly risky for teens because it forces the body to quickly reach adulthood, the bones stop growing permanently.
So now that you know all the side effects, do you think it really worth it?, Instead of using these substances, it is best to be patient, eating a proper diet, and proper exercise.
About the author
Hi my name is Erick and two years ago I had an experience with steroids. A friend recommended them to me, I wasn?t sure but I did anyway. I was so wrong, steroids even changed my personality in a couple of months. Now I do a healthy diet, and free of unnecessary chemicals
this is such a shame, people who use steroids aren’t getting that body because of them, and that is not the point of doing exercise, but to be healthy and like yourself…
I completely agree with this article, and I’m so glad it was written. I know a lot of people probably come to this site for options regarding diet, nutrition, and exercise, and I feel very strongly that steriods need to be explicitly warned against, because the truth is, they are VERY detrimental to the brain and the body. People need to know…